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OsaCargo adding Italy office

The new office will act as an offshoot of transport and logistics services provider OsaCargo’s head office in Riga, Latvia, and is expected to provide direct support to clients shipping to and from the Mediterranean.

   Latvia-based transport and logistics services provider OsaCargo is expanding its European presence by opening a new branch in Italy in the coming weeks, the company confirmed Aug. 31.
   The new office will act as a branch of OsaCargo’s head office in Riga, Latvia, and is expected to provide direct support to clients shipping to and from the Mediterranean region.
   “Italy was just the next logical step in the company’s long-term strategy to improve its operations,” the company said in a statement. “OsaCargo looks to the future of what it can achieve for our clients. We are in a time where trust and transparency are values in high demand.”
   OsaCargo currently provides transport and logistics for most countries in Europe and the Baltic region, including Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom. The company transports packages and pallets, as well as partial and full capacity freight anywhere in Europe. OsaCargo also offers international transport for clients shipping packages or freights overseas.
   “This expansion is part of the company’s continued efforts to provide the best and most affordable transportation and logistics services in European and the Baltic countries,” OsaCargo explained. “It is the hope of the company that this expansion will further strengthen its logistics network while also serving to solidify connections with local clients.”