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FreightWaves Staff Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sleep your way to safer driving

Let’s not let the politics of truck drivers’ sleep get in the way of something we all need. It’s not always a dramatic wake up as you wander over the rumble strip or hear horns honking frantically that lets you know your sleep could be better. Sometimes it’s all the worries drifting through your mind as you try to fall asleep while the clock counts down to drive time again.

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FreightWaves Staff Sunday, August 13, 2017

Can anything stop the rise of electric vehicles?

Analysts continue to argue that EVs are not ready to compete with internal combustion engines (ICE), and technology advances will need to come in the next decade or two before EVs can dominate the marketplace. But the Tesla Model 3 is challenging that, and it’s success is something that trucking will watch closely.

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FreightWaves Staff Friday, August 11, 2017

SCFI falls 2.1%

Spot container rates from Shanghai to Europe, the Mediterranean and the United States all recorded modest declines since last Friday, according to the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index.

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Brian Straight Thursday, August 10, 2017

Getting fit on the road

A 2014 report found that drivers are more than twice as likely to be obese than the general population, and there are a number of other health risks drivers face. So how can drivers, on the road for weeks at a time, stay fit?

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FreightWaves Staff Saturday, August 5, 2017

Life on the open road

Have you ever been driving down a highway only to be passed by a hulking 18-wheeler? Have you secretly wondered what it would be like to drive across the country and get paid to do so? You may have been born to a truck driver.

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