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Panel of shippers looks at the question of YRCW’s fate

Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

(Editor’s note: an earlier version of this story featured the names of the individuals on the panel. After discussion with Wolfe Research, we are making the discussants’ identities anonymous.)

In a broad-based discussion about the state of the trucking market with a panel of shippers, the talk got very specific when the panel’s moderator asked about one particular carrier – YRCW.

At the Wolfe Research Global Transportation & Industrials conference, analyst and moderator Scott Group asked the virtual gathering about whether the large shippers he had brought together might be impacted by the ongoing financial troubles at the less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier. 

Specifically, he turned to one shipping manager who does a great deal of business with YRCW.

“All four of their divisions are big within our network,” the shipping manager said, an apparent reference to not just YRC Freight but also to USF Holland, New Penn Motor Express and USF Reddaway. “We are staying close and monitoring their status. They’ve been a big partner for us as long as I’ve been in the business,” a period he said was about 10 years.

The shipping executive had said earlier on the panel that his company was going through a bid process now for future freight needs and that YRCW was a part of the exercise. 

He added that his firm has “no immediate plans” to reduce its activities with YRCW, “but we are making sure we have a contingency plan or two in place for the worst case scenario.”

“We’ve been there with YRC from the get-go and our plan is to stick with them in challenging times,” he said.

But less optimistic was another shipper that is near a bid round for LTL services, and YRCW “has been talking with us over the past year and we’ll see what comes from that.”

But he was blunt. “Given the risk involved, it is unlikely we would bring them in as a carrier,” he said. “But we will see.”

The irony of the discussion of YRCW is that in another part of the panel, the shipper representatives talked about the discipline that LTL carriers were exhibiting in their pricing as compared to their truckload carriers. One manager said his firm puts out a bid to LTL carriers every two years and it will be launching its next round in a month. “I think the carriers are more disciplined,” he said of the LTL companies that will bid for his company’s business. “There aren’t as many. “

He expected the process for securing new rates to produce numbers that would be “relatively flattish.” He also said his company “might” put a mid-year review in place, because of the extreme nature of recent changes.

“We have to keep in mind that those rates have to be sustained for two years,” he said. 

Another manager said its biennial LTL bid round was delayed to June from April this year. He said the company is expecting low single digit increases.

All of the shipping company representatives reported strong surges in demand for their products at the start of the crisis, with demand tailing off to various degrees since then. But they also were consistent on another observation – they hadn’t changed modes of transportation. 

One manager appeared to be the heaviest user of intermodal services on the panel. He said that transit times had improved for both trucks and for intermodal. He noted the “pretty significant downturn” in spot trucking rates, but “we’re not going to be doing modal shifts just based on price.”

There’s plenty of capacity in the truckload sector. One manager said that over the last six weeks, his company has gotten “upward of” 97% acceptance on its loads. “I’m getting no indications that it’s going to get worse for at least the next quarter,” he added.

Another manager topped that – he said most acceptance rates have been in the 99% range. 

“When we go to the secondary market, loads get covered almost immediately,” he said. 

Group asked about the use of third-party logistics providers (3PLs) by the shippers, and the answers varied widely. One said about 90% of its shipments were using asset-based carriers; Another said his firm was “always” asset-based, though conceded there was some use of brokers who “act like asset carriers,” with drop trailer service. A third put the use of 3PLs as carriers at 5%.

The asset-based user said even with dropping spot rates, his company is not changing its approach toward who carries its freight – mostly asset-based carriers. “We’re going to stay true to who we are,” he said. 

He conceded that might mean that his company would be “leaving money on the table,” but that it was “comfortable” with its decision. He said there were four truckload carriers that did the bulk of his business. He did not identify them but said the company would be staying with them “through the good, the bad and the ugly.”

But another manager said his company is approaching 25-30% use of 3PLs to move its freight. “Some of it is for cost reasons but we have seen excellent service from our broker partners,” he said. He added that use of brokers at his company tends to focus on three unidentified companies.


  1. Linda Rougeaux

    Yes, I agree with you. I’m a trucker and the wait time is outrageous and we are not getting paid for hours and sometimes days of waiting to be unloaded. I waited days at a Walmart DC!

  2. Rick Wainio

    YRC is probably the worst LTL company a driver can work for. What driver wants to spend 80% of his/her day loading on the dock and only 20% of the day driving?

    1. Allen

      I’m a line haul driver for YRC and I don’t work the dock at all. Our line haul drivers don’t work the dock anywhere in our system

    2. Kurt Phillips

      Obviously you know nothing about yrc operations!!! I am a yrc driver. Been there 20 plus years. Our drivers do not work the dock!!

  3. CA Trucker

    Shippers like to talk partnership and win-win contracts.; but that’s in good times when they want a carrier to keep rate increases down. When the pendulum swings back to shipper power, too many shippers turn around and hammer the carrier. They push lower rates, increased service then grill you for not meeting their stats like on time pickup & delivery, acceptance of load tenders, etc. But when their shipping docks back up and the drivers sit waiting hours for loads the shippers look the other way.

    Shippers should take a long term approach through this crisis and be fair to carriers and carrier families.

    1. Linda Rougeaux

      Yes, I agree with you. I’m a trucker and the wait time is outrageous and we are not getting paid for hours and sometimes days of waiting to be unloaded. I waited days at a Walmart DC!

    2. Ls

      I agree , long refer times at chicken and beef house es . And xcross border vegetables!! No pay for our time ! Divide 400.00 by 48,000 pounds not much cost there

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