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Pennsylvania trucking group looks for an easing in shutdown of rest stops

The Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association (PMTA) has raised concerns about the state’s closure of its rest stops with the Keystone State’s officials and a resumption of permitted parking at those sites is possible.

Kevin Stewart, the president of PMTA, told FreightWaves that the state is “going to reevaluate over the next day or so” its decision to close Pennsylvania’s 65 rest stops. 

The concern Stewart has is that if the rest stops are reopened just for parking, the bathroom facilities will remain closed. Those bathroom facilities are especially important for drivers taking their mandatory 30-minute rest break, he said. 

Stewart noted that most of his drivers will use overnight facilities at truck stops for their longer breaks. But it is the relatively bare bones rest stops that provide a lot of capacity for the shorter breaks. (Those rest stops are essentially three things: parking spots, vending machines and bathrooms without showers.)

As reported, a state spokeswoman told FreightWaves that the state was reevaluating the decision. 

Stewart said Pennsylvania officials might not have been aware of the impact of their decision on the trucking sector. “I don’t think initially they did,” he said. The PMTA was not aware of the shutdowns until the announcement came out on March 16. “We were not privy to that,” Stewart said. 

The organization reached out to the state soon after that, Stewart added. “Once we reached out to them I think it has brought them an understanding,” he said. “It’s kind of unchartered territory.”


  1. Gary snyder

    And to think that they get paid to make decisions.
    What the hell are they thinking, how stupid can they be.
    I am embarrassed to say im a Pa resident.

  2. Bob Rupp

    This was an absolutely ridiculous. By Pennsylvania to close these rest stops service areas the way they did. As much as this country depends on its truck drivers and it’s time of need and they do this. They have literally screwed us into the ground in this industry. I hope somebody does some serious thinking here.

  3. Noble1 suggests SMART truck drivers should UNITE & collectively cut out the middlemen from picking truck driver pockets ! UNITE , CONQUER , & YOU'LL PROSPER ! IMHO

    I just found a nice regular yard to yard round trip switch for an O/O that can be completed in one day within normal HOS . No human contact unless the driver chooses to stop along the way at Truck Stops that will ALL remain open for the driver’s needs along the route . The driver can also sleep in the originating terminal yard where the driver leaves from with the first trailer and completes the run on the way back . No detention etc BS . Easy peasy applying the KISS principle !

    The driver can make it to and back with a half tank of fuel . 1 stop on the way half way for a half an hour break , and another half way on the way back . And voila ! At the time the driver leaves the first TS on the route not even a full hour from departure is never preoccupied and lots of parking and can fuel without any stress and can shower there as well . No traffic based on the timing of the switch either . La crème de la crème as they say (wink)

    Now that’s the way OTR should be ! Maximum miles per day and no BS along the way !

    In my humble opinion ………..

  4. Noble1 suggests SMART truck drivers should UNITE & collectively cut out the middlemen from picking truck driver pockets ! UNITE , CONQUER , & YOU'LL PROSPER ! IMHO


    Oh now this just takes the cake !

    Quote :
    “Pennsylvania shuts its rest stops to all activity, including parking”

    LOL !

    Now this will be very interesting . We shall see if the truckers that pass through there and “depend” on those facilities will pass the “smart” test .

    While they’re being asked to supply the population’s needs in a time of crisis , they are being neglected big time !

    I bet the truckers passing through there and depending on those facilities will bend and continue to cater without taking a stand .
    That’s how much confidence I have in trucker reasoning . It’s quite sad .

    WAKE UP ! Said so a loooooooooooooong time ago and I keep saying it , YOU NEED TO UNITE , and take over the facilities you are so dependant upon to ensure they cater to your needs and without price gouging you ! Now rather than you boycotting them , they are boycotting you , LOL !

    Those clowns that own these truck stops haven’t figured that they and their families depend upon you truck drivers to have their necessities to survive at their homes while they’re shutting down the necessities/business that you drivers depend upon to cater to their needs . This sort of ignorant and lack of understanding is beyond hilarious . It’s so absurd that it’s beyond pitiful that people can be so ignorant and stupid ! That just goes to show you how a viral outbreak became a worldwide pandemic based on the lack of intelligence in this world .

    These truck stop shutdowns is quite an eye opener indeed ! VIVA 2020 !

    Are truck drivers going to WAKE UP ? I doubt it !

    In my humble opinion ………..

    1. My Own Boss!

      These are state owned and state controlled rest stops… legitimate rest stops conveniently placed in high density truck traffic zones… why? Because truck drivers require rest… You may or may not have heard that there’s a shortage of parking spots. Boycotting a place to sleep seems… hard… maybe ridiculous?!?!?
      In every post you continue to rant and advocate for anarchy… And you insult the hard working men and women of this industry while you do it with your holier than thou smart ass approach.
      Do you have a CDL or is sitting on your couch spewing out insults and “rise up truckers rhetoric” your full time job? You are going about uniting drivers about as well as our politicians are going about uniting our country. You should change your sign off to read “In My Arrogant Negative and Condescending Opinion.”

      1. Noble1 has left the building (wink)

        Glad to see that you have noticed the change in my tune and the frustration with truck driver’s doing nothing to improve their circumstance and this industry while they are treated like the buffoons in the industry . Yes my dear kindred spirit I have removed my white gloves and to hell with the diplomacy .

        You people need to wake up with a swift kick in your butts , cause diplomacy doesn’t work in this industry at the truck driver level .

        Quite frankly I have given up on you ..I pitied you at first . Some of what you drivers are exposed to and obliged to do and the way you’re treated is inhumane . However, I’ve observed , learned and noticed that you’re mostly all a lost cause . You’re going to be replaced anyways. It’s just a question of time . No sense in trying to save a sinking ship .


        That being said , some of you are really good , smart , and descent people . Key word , “some” .

        As for your excuse in boycotting certain privately owned truck stops , LOL ! There will always be an excuse and I’m fed up of explaining . Anarchy ??? ROTFLMAO ! It’s quite the opposite , it’s called organization !!! Anarchy leads to chaos ! Organizing leads to CONTROL & PROFIT while liberating oneself from the chaos which is abusing YOU !

        I’m absolutely grateful for your services . But then again , you couldn’t careless about that either . You’re actually attracted by the machine , the money(peanuts), and the little freedom you have behind the wheel compared to other uneducated fields while being uneducated ! That’s the damn TRUTH and what attracts every Dick & Mary as a driver in the industry !

        But SURPRISE ! It ain’t all about the unicorns and fairytales you’ve been lead to believe . You’re abused , made a mockery of , and paid very little for the hardship you’re introduced to and risks you take . Liberty ? What liberty do you really have in this industry ? It’s a figment of your imaginations .

        While most of you cry due to unfairness , you’re doing NOTHING to render it fair . YOU COMPETE AGAINST ONE ANOTHER !

        Do I appear stupid to you ? If I were I would continue to try and assemble you and show you that you don’t have to compete among one another to make more money than you could ever dream of COLLECTIVELY simply by stepping back and reorganizing yourselves as a true brotherhood WITH EDUCATED PEOPLE !

        You’ve made your choice to remain a slave and depend on a government that is in a position due to those that enslave YOU ! YOU naively expect those “leaders” to save you from yourselves and pee on the one’s that put them in a position of power ???

        It’s all rigged !

        CHAOS aka anarchy my dear friend is what you’re living NOW ! How many religions on this planet ? How many schools telling you one thing and another telling you another ? What about the “food” you’ve been brainwashed to consume ? Truth ? Healthy ? Or the opposite ?

        You’ve been deceived , and you’re deceiving yourselves ! Am I preaching ? LOL no , waking you the hell up ! The truth ain’t pretty ! Where there is money , a lot of it , there is abuse and deception !

        You’re in the transportation sector within the trucking industry ! A multi billion dollar industry my friend ! Do you think for a second that most of you are genuinely going to be treated with respect and be appreciated ??? Seriously ? Do you really think that during a time of chaos you’ll be looked after for your best interest ??? NO ! You’ll be lied to , used and deceived , WITH A FRIENDLY HYPOCRITICAL SMILE !

        WALL STREET WASN’T BUILT ON CARING ABOUT YOU OR YOUR BEST INTEREST ! IT WAS BUILT ON SELLING YOU A DREAM ! THOSE OF YOU WHO WORK HARD ARE NOT THE WINNERS ! THOSE WHO WIN ARE THOSE WHO ACT SMART !!! Smart doesn’t mean fair . Smart doesn’t mean ethically . Smart is taking advantage of those less smart and to gain from it . That’s what “competition” is all about !!!

        What some of you are doing among yourselves is being done by people to you that are a lot wiser than you are ! While you move “America” for those people , those people move YOU to move for them ! You’re at the bottom of the food chain my dear friend . Those at the top are UNITED while you are not , or lead to believe that you are while filling another’s agenda !

        So the least you can do is be WISE and read about what I know for I have learned a thing or two from the top and wanted to share it with you and lift you collectively to that level .

        But alas that was my mistake . I take full responsibility for my ill wish . I shall remove myself from this and concentrate on myself .

        By the way , while most of you are suffering due to the tremendous losses in your portfolios , I was the ONLY ONE on this site to tell you people to be vigilant a massive drop was heading our way . I suggested that some speak with their financial consultants about heading using derivatives against the market and to buy time as insurance .

        But that’s all gibberish to you right ? But it’s affecting you isn’t it ?

        I was hinting to this matter BEFORE the coronavirus was announced . I had no idea about a virus !

        Smart azz ? That’s what you respond to ! That’s what gets your attention !

        Best of luck in your career or in what’s left of it as a truck driver . While you contemplate such , keep your eyes closed and just continue to position yourselves to depend on your puppet masters while those at the top pull your strings like a puppet !

        All that money you have worked so hard for can evaporate in minutes due to the knowledge the one’s at the top exercise while you slave to move America for them . LOL !

        But I’m the wise azz ??? No , I’m the stupid azz for telling you and for having told you and especially for wanting to unite you and bring you to liberate yourselves from such deception and slavery ……

        Haul away my friend , and once again , thanks for catering to my needs .

        In my humble opinion ……..

      2. Noble1 Came back to give "my own boss" moniker a little piece of Noble's pixie dust mind , LOL !

        My Own Boss , LOL !

        Now I remember you . You’re an O/O that cried like a child under comments posted concerning AB5 , and about losing your liberty if it were to come into effect , ROTFLMAO !

        WHAT LIBERTY ??? The liberty to choose for whom you’ll slave ??? AB5 does not remove one’s liberty , it simply classifies you properly according to the control of said dubious employers under their independent guise . Most leased on O/O’s don’t even realize what misclassification is and or what it’s about nor understand why they are !

        The funny part about your ignorance is that you actually believe that you’re your own boss in this industry , LOL !

        You have regulators to answer to . You have rules to follow ! You’ve brainwashed yourself into believing that you’re in control while YOU’RE BEING CONtrolled !

        A “boss” sets the rules ! A boss is one in full control , not one that “follows” or so easily duped , but one that LEADS and sees clearly through the BS rather than BSing themselves !

        You’re no “boss” . You’re a brainwashed citizen that gets ripped off by those IN CONTROL , aka the real “bosses” !

        Enjoy your impression of “freedom” , for the AB5 injunction will be overturned and will wake you up concerning what misclassification really means ! You’re a puppet and you will follow the rules that will be imposed upon you or you’ll simply give up and run away and be replaced with another that will . That’s how important you are . You’re expendable ! This industry doesn’t lack truck drivers . Truck drivers are a dime a dozen and pretty close to earning that amount per mile in real terms of the worthless manipulated currency you slave for . That’s the damn TRUTH !

        Wait you’ve seen nothing yet . This current economic crisis is just beginning and it’s going to cost the public beyond their comprehension in inflation when things turn around . I said so before it began . The next correction would make 2008 look like a picnic in comparison . Watch and learn !

        What are you going to do ” Throw a tantrum ? Shut down ? LOL you guys are so freaking divided that if some of you were to shut down others will run in to replace you within the wink of an eye and cut your throats competitively while doing so !

        You want a smart azz , I’ll give you one if that’s your desire .

        Independent ? ROTFLMAO ! Let’s see how independent you are now that truck stops are being closed and consumers will be limited to certain purchases due to businesses being TOLD to shut down . You said so yourself , YOU’RE DEPENDANT on parking space ! HOW COME Mr. you’re your own boss ?

        YOU HAVE NO CONTROL EVEN ON PARKING , ROTFLMAO ! WHY ? Cause you’re DIVIDED and not smart enough to UNITE and take control and provide yourselves with your essential needs COLLECTIVELY LIKE REAL LEADERS WOULD DO TO ENSURE YOU CAN EARN YOUR KEEP WITHOUT DEPENANCE ! Some boss you are ! LOL !

        What about fuel ? Have you positioned yourselves to produce , refine , and own your own freaking fuel and pump stations ? NOT A FREAKING CHANCE unless you’re Irving in Canada ! HOW COME ? It’s what you DEPEND upon to earn your lively hood ! It’s the biggest cost in your “Transportation business” . But there again mr. you’re own boss , you DEPEND on another and will pay the price THEY DECIDE/DICTATE to sell it to YOU ! I doubt you have the time , the knowledge , nor the set up to even trade the stuff .

        You’re a clown man . I’d jump off a cliff before I’d follow someone like you . You dare speak about the hard working people in this industry and say that I insult them ??? I’m waking them up you ignorant person ! Granted I’m doing so with a hard tone nowadays ,however, I’m the only one on this site for over a year that has been giving them realistic ETHICAL ideas that would pay them in spades while ORGANIZING themselves into an Alliance OF INDEPENDENCE , not anarchy you ignorant misinterpreting misleading clown !!!

        What have you done apart from simply thinking about yourself you selfish hypocrite ?

        How’s that for a smart azz ? Am I getting a passing grade so far ?

        I told you in prior comments , that clowns such as yourself would end up working for the united truck drivers if they were to unite WISELY ! They would give you your brainwashed liberty and still be more prosperous than you without breaking a single law ! The Alliance plan is organized and “foolproof”, not anarchy !

        The Alliance would also be IMMUNE to insurance gouging rates ! They would own their own mutual !

        If you were wise you would have realized that AB5 has LOOPHOLES !

        How come I know this and you don’t ? If you knew then you wouldn’t oppose it and wouldn’t think that it was going to remove your so called brainwashed belief of freedom !

        Man I dance around minds like yours without breaking a sweat .I never said I knew everything . In my prior comment I said to surround with educated people . But not just educated , INTELLIGENT, and street smart as well . The worse that you could ever wish for , is for a person such as myself to join the dark side instead of standing up for the people on the humane and compassionate side !

        The challenge here was to raise truck drivers to the elite level and show the elite that there are flaws in their ways of thinking and doing , and that they can’t beat us collectively if we know how to play their game (wink)

        But don’t bother with this gibberish . You just go back to eating your bacon & eggs for breakfast and drink your glass of milk while believing that your mind is free and those choices haven’t been moulded into it , and believe you’re your own boss cause you own a truck , ROTFLMAO !

        Where’s your liberty now with this pandemic ? You’re being stripped of your rights for what ? You’re own protection ??? LOL what a farce ! While some of those that preach this BS, they themselves act contrarily to what they’re preaching !

        While they want us the general population to remain isolated and 3 feet apart from one another , what are “they” doing themselves and having truck drivers do ? Where’s your so called safety that they’ve been ramming down your throats through regulations galore in an attempt to control this industry due to it’s incredible abuse ?

        They’re now lifting the HOS safety regulation for some of you . Ya got a green light to tire yourself out even more and weaken your immune system in the process during a viral pandemic that can take your life , ROTFLMAO ! Yeee haaa let’s all dance for this freedom we’ve been given at the risk of our demise while we earn peanuts to cater to the elite’s needs !

        People in the USA & Canada are a little harder to CONvince , so they turned to businesses while offering them compensation if they do so . HA ! Now you we don’t have a choice do to being extremely limited . Now they have the war act enacted through the guise of a health emergency act which is actual a “War Measures Act” giving them the right to act as they please !

        Learn from what is going on buddy , then tell me about this so called freedom and liberty you believe you have !

        But rather than awakening , you’d most likely try to justify this BS , LOL ! Apparently we could be infected without knowing it and infecting others without showing any symptoms . Now ain’t that just sweet . They’ve really managed to scare the living daylights out of people into conforming to their draconian measures and make them believe that they may be sick without feeling sick ,SO ISOLATE, and they now have given themselves the right to enforce you to do so !

        So what are you really the boss of now ???

        There you go , you’ve been taken apart in pieces mr boss man . Go put yourself back together based on the truth , then come back here and preach to me .

        CDL ? If you’ve been keeping track rather than judging me here , you’d know that I have a class 1 license FROM CANADA and that I don’t haul to the states ! I’m a market speculator and walked in your shoes for the last past 6 freaking years due to a mistake I made before then and wanted to get an up close look from the ground in this economic barometer !

        I’ve driven all kinds and went through tons of companies in a very short period of time due to my low tolerance level of putting up with BS ! Now going to step away . But before I did , I wanted to see what truckers were really made of and if they would unite and commit in creating that change for their collective benefit in a way that would blow their minds to how prosperous they could be with a real strong foundation then rapidly entwine the Alliance with Wall Street .

        Unions are old school . They’re a good basic primitive way of uniting labourers . What I kept referring to as an Alliance is much more futuristic and plays with corporations like ping pong balls while slowly extending the Alliance into them through the Wall Street mechanism which I call the elite’s game , and recruiting the labourers as partners through divisions .

        Anyways f**k it ! I’ll develop a different way to do it and bypass the truckers . Anonymous truck are right around the corner . Won’t need to share profits with truckers . In fact in this way I’ll have more control . Through the Alliance it would have been a collective control among equals .

        Thanks for pi$$ing me off . Now I woke up , LOL ! You guys aren’t getting a pea size part of this idea . You’ll be bypassed . Just don’t go strutting and thinking you’re the best thing since sliced bread . You’re expendable , and without labourers , your services wouldn’t even be needed . Just watch as the general public will be purchasing less of everything . Watch and learn .

        In my humble opinion …………..

        1. My Own Boss!

          are you still typing while real truckers keep food on the table? I look forward to your reading your drivel… it helps me sleep and makes the rest of what’s going on around me seem somewhat normal.

          You went through tons of companies in a very short time? No shit?!?! I couldn’t imagine why? You are bat shit crazy. I am sorry I will miss out on being a part of your dream world, your highness… now please go fuck yourself.

          1. Noble1

            LOL ! That’s your come back ? Telling me to go F myself ? ROTFLMAO ! You got that backwards , you’re the one that is f***ed due to not seeing this coming . Pretty soon you’ll be f***ed even more due to autonomous trucks . How’s that portfolio of yours doing ? ROTFLMAO !

            Told you , you’re a clown . Yes I went through tons of companies who believe they can exploit and abuse drivers . I don’t bend to anyone’s ill will (wink)

            You’ll lie to me once , not twice . You’ll screw me once , not twice .

            Crazy ? LOL ! In this mad world , those who are viewed to be crazy by fools are geniuses in the eyes of the wise .

            So being told I’m crazy by a clown such as yourself is a compliment .

            Some were telling me that I lost my mind when I said the stock market was going to collapse as well as the price of oil .

            What happened ? ROTFLMAO ! And a clown such as yourself is now telling me that seeing this happen around you appears to be somewhat normal compared to me ?

            I called it , you ignoramus spec of dust , and you’re living it !

            When freightwaves was reporting on IMO 2020 going to send diesel prices skyrocketing I laughed in their author’s faces and begged to differ . What happened ?

            Go drive your little truck man , and continue to slave for those who dreamt up this scenario into being your reality, ignoramus . LOL !

            Sleep well now , I know that I will (wink)

          2. Noble1

            Furthermore , I gained a tremendous amount of experience in many divisions in the trucking industry quickly due to not putting up with anyone’s crap .
            The only thing I haven’t hauled is fuel due to choice . So rather than carriers and brokers playing with me , I played with them .

            I’ll repeat . From my enormous amount of experience in a very short period of time , the only way to bypass all the BS in this industry is to do yard to yard drop and hook trailer switches on routes you know well and can control most elements . La crème de la crème is always hauling between two main yards . The same route day in and day out .

            Never have I had a problem due to HOS nor for parking , nor traffic . I cut out all the BS , ran maximum miles in the end . I knew how much I would make every day ! No detention , no BS ! Easy peasy once I put my foot down and limited myself to hauling such !

            However , due to having pounced like a ping pong ball from division to division , I know what most of you are going through . I’ve walked in your shoes . I’ve helped some carriers along the way before leaving them . I just don’t put up with certain types of mentalities well .

            Said so in other comments , HR & dispatch snake oil salesman could not pass a fast one over me . I’d give some one chance , others none and walk out of the interview due to smelling them from a mile away . Those I gave a chance to didn’t keep their word , so they got dumped the moment they started to f around . Trucking jobs are a dime a dozen . The crème de la crème switches though are a little more scarce . Truckers tend to hang on to those the most with good reason .

            I had some fun in the BS industry , especially since late 2017 , I’d hop from transporting in sectors which I saw were going to weaken to those that were going to strengthen , always negotiating top dollar . I’d time it along the market based on reading charts .

            That’s all I really wanted to see in this industry anyways . I wanted to see if it could realistically be applied at the bottom . Then I began to hit some sites with why and how truckers could unite and take over this industry easy peasy .

            They don’t need to be many , just 1% until the Alliance is established . Why 1% , due to keeping the self internal funding exceptionally low per driver . Then once the funding is accumulated within 12 months one peanut at a time , the Alliance would be set up to be 100% self reliable and multiply their coin and market share like wild fire .

            It’s not a “dream” . It’s a freaking well thought out plan . I didn’t want to do it . I was simply sharing the idea in bits and pieces hoping one of you would pick it up and do it for yourselves collectively .

            I certainly don’t need “you” . If I want it I can wait when anonymous trucks will become the norm and approach labours that are already well acquainted with unions and just offer them that little extra spice that they haven’t realized that they can have .

            The pieces of the puzzle already exist . I’m not inventing anything . I’m just putting them together a little differently . Co-ops exist , unions exist . The stock market , banks , mutuals, etc all exist .

            Example : water and bottles existed before some decided to combine them , market it and made billions in the process under what you’ve been brainwashed to consume in the form of bottled water , LOL !

            Those two simple items(puzzle pieces ) combined have changed your behavior and enriched many at your ignorant expense .

            Trucking is a little more complex and a lot more interesting due to its complexity . However, when you take the pieces and switch them around you get a whole different picture . Then you wonder why hasn’t anyone else figured this out , it’s so simple !

            I’ll tell you why . Most haven’t sat back nor done most of the jobs on the ground . Nor have they played at the top combined with the bottom and in between .

            I’ve seen it all due to pouncing around . I then tested certain elements in reality that I first imagined . IT WORKED , and it will always work !

            Then I spoke with farms(essential number 1) & then Miners(essencial number 2) Some to say the least were amazed at the concept .

            Trucking is complicated due to the one’s involved in it rendering complicated ! Unfortunately drivers are used like expendable tools and greatly underpaid for the risks they take and the importance their trade has on an economy .

            This isn’t right and shouldn’t be nor does it need to be . So to render it realistic and manage to put them in a position of leadership to gain maximum profit , they need to unite and act collectively . To do that you need to be in touch with and draw forth certain mentalities . You need to set up a good PR campaign . This takes time . To be realistic it comes down to 1% of the 100% of drivers . Just like not everyone agreed with bottling water , LOL !

            Every calculation I made would always come back to 1 freaking percent . Oddly enough it was exactly the amount with which drivers were going to compete with , the 1% . The remaining 99% drivers would eventually follow just like most are already doing when a certain structure is established , ie: most of you whether you like it or not buy groceries at a grocery store cause that’s the structure that is established .

            This isn’t some wild pie out of the sky nor is it anarchy . It’s understanding something , reorganizing it through a different structure and putting control in the hands of those making it turn .

            Yes one needs to play hardball and be shrewd . It’s big business . But not something that would lead to chaos but quite the opposite . It’s something similar that is already being done in another sector but not on such a grand scale .

            What I’m suggesting is a an improvement on a large scale . The Ford Model T has been greatly improved , LOL ! They rearranged the pieces , adjusted some components that lead to changes and voila . To me it’s that simple .

            Of course you’ll be walking on some toes in the process , but only on the toes of those who walked on yours . Not in an attempt to harm them but to create a massive change which is fair and prosperous without harming the general public , but on the contrary giving them more power , for it is they that slave which they shouldn’t be doing . Who is bleeding the most during this market collapse ? The general public that rely on an established system , ie: financial brokers with a buy and hold approach .

            When you have an idea , and want to implement it , you must foresee its effect and result before applying it . The result must be X , not Y , nor Z , it must be X ! You must also have a plan in place to respond to your plan in case it deviates in order to bring it back in line .

            If your plan unites people , increases their well being as a whole “ethically” , and at the same time evolves our species and their general best interest , then where’s the problem ? Cutting out a few at the top in the 1% that have gained their power due to deception ?

            It’s called change ! Nortel is history due to change .

            If truckers were to unite , the Alliance would have been self controlled and would grow by leaps and bounds simply based on doing certain things a little differently by the ones within it . But those “things” would have a massive influence on everything it touches , and trucking touches almost everything . It’s essential in our current era .

            Anyways , f it . This is something for me to know and understand , not for you . You just go and ship and buy that bottled water , LOL !

          3. Noble1

            Here’s another example on how my “crazy” mind works . It likes to take complexities and render them simple .

            Since I appear to be entertaining to you , allow me to entertain you just a bit more .

            Intuition is very powerful .

            At one time along the journey in my life , a person I knew caught a deadly life threatening bacteria . There is no cure for this to this day in the medical field .

            This person was quite stubborn and would swear by what doctors do and recommend . In this case they told that person that they could try different things but that there was no guarantee .

            And of course this person would weaken more and more day by day . I told this person that they would weaken in stages and the symptoms would become so and so as time passed till their death . However, there was something they could try of which my intuition and research lead to .

            The person finally took what I recommended and before doing so , speaking with the doctor , the doctor said he didn’t believe in such but since it wasn’t harmful ,and at this stage the person could try anything . However, it could not be recognized within the medial establishment .

            The person ,before taking what I recommended , was literally dying . Perhaps a day or 2 max left to live .

            Then once the person took the “something” I recommended , went to sleep , and the next day had no more symptoms of the deadly life threatening bacteria , and was revived . Miracle ? No , understanding through thinking out of the box and precisely following one’s intuition .

            Wait I’m not done !

            Another person I knew had a dog . This dog caught a deadly virus . The vet said the dog wouldn’t make it through the night due to having no cure in regards to that virus . There was none that existed and to this day there isn’t one .

            However, this person gave what I had recommended to the dog . The next day that dog was revived and acting like it never caught anything . When brought back to the vet , the vet couldn’t believe it .

            Again , that’s another example of how my “crazy” mind works . This intuition I have and listen to is the same intuition that lead me on my journey to figure how to piece this industry differently and find a “solution” to a problem , many problems .

            I am extremely confident in myself and what I know and my intuition . I can also admit that I’m far from perfect , will make mistakes and very quick to realize when I do . I certainly don’t consciously know everything . However , the subconscious appears to know more than what my conscious does and it tends to rise to the surface if I really desire an answer to a “problem” . The solution can save a life , reorganize a situation no matter how complex it may appear to be , ect ect ect . Depends on how much I desire whatever . In certain situations the answer or intuition rises like lightening like speed all depending on the situation . Sometimes it pushes onto a journey to arrive at a certain point .

            I could waste my time here and tell you about numerous experiences that I’ve had which would blow your mind , some more life saving situations that would give you nightmares due to medical establishment faulty practices . However, in regards to the “somethings” that can eliminate deadly life threatening bacteria and viruses , I need to keep hush hush especially in public due to it not conforming to the medial system/establishment as we know it . One can get in big trouble if one says things they shouldn’t especially in regards to “cures” .

            Ahhhh but then again , a supposedly “normal” mind such as yours may have extreme difficulty comprehending such a “crazy” mind like mine , LOL !

            In my humble opinion (wink)

        2. My Own Boss!

          Pushing your buttons is so fun!

          You kinda lost me with anonymous trucks in your last diatribe. Should I be naming my truck or if I keep it nameless, will mine be included as one of the anonymous trucks that will take over the world? Also, I feel like I am missing something by not pouncing around a lot. Does pouncing help?

          Thank you for sharing your story with me. Given your so busy saving lives and accurately predicting oil futures, the stock market, trucking and the rise and fall of civilization, I am honored that you are sharing your wisdom with me. Thank you Mr. Blowhard. Now please go fuck yourself…

          1. Noble1

            Yeah the typo showed up a few times in comments . I should proof read before posting . But then again dealing with a limited mind such as yours , no wonder you haven’t realized that in the context it’s “autonomous trucks” , not anonymous trucks . That just goes to show your mediocre IQ .

            You haven’t pushed any button . You’re simply revealing how stupid you are and in the process unfortunately confirming my statement that most truckers are generally dumb .

            Predicting the rise and fall of civilization or that autonomous trucks will take over the world ??? LOL ! Do you see how stupid you are ? I mean really , look at your ignorant comebacks . You misinterpret , exaggerate , lie , and think you’re leading in this conversation . ROTFLMAO !

            Then you keep using profanity to finish off ? LOL ! So you’re stupid and you lack class as well . You just keep on revealing the clown I said you were .

            Had you noticed the market’s signs of weakness perhaps you would have “pounced” to position yourself to take advantage of it , just like those using you and do to you when they see your weakness, LOL !

            You’re boring me now . I like to shake those at the top , the one’s like you at the bottom aren’t a challenge . You’re boring and sloooow .

            Keep on trucking !

      1. Noble1

        Wise man ! Observe , learn , forgive , but never ever forget (wink)

        As the motto goes : Burn me once , shame on you . Burn me twice , shame on me .

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John Kingston

John has an almost 40-year career covering commodities, most of the time at S&P Global Platts. He created the Dated Brent benchmark, now the world’s most important crude oil marker. He was Director of Oil, Director of News, the editor in chief of Platts Oilgram News and the “talking head” for Platts on numerous media outlets, including CNBC, Fox Business and Canada’s BNN. He covered metals before joining Platts and then spent a year running Platts’ metals business as well. He was awarded the International Association of Energy Economics Award for Excellence in Written Journalism in 2015. In 2010, he won two Corporate Achievement Awards from McGraw-Hill, an extremely rare accomplishment, one for steering coverage of the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster and the other for the launch of a public affairs television show, Platts Energy Week.