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Peruvian chain uses LogFire in Lima warehouse

   Supermercados Peruanos S.A. (SPSA), one of the largest supermarket chains in Peru, has implemented a Cloud-based warehouse management service (WMS) from LogFire at its new distribution center in the Southern region of Lima.
   According to LogFire, the implementation of the new WMS took four months to go live and included redesigning logistical processes and enhanced integration with its existing ERP system. The WMS system has also been made available on mobile tablets that are used throughout the warehouse in order to better facilitate communications.
   “The selection of LogFire’s WMS for SPSA was the right fit for us as they exceeded our expectations in three major areas of importance: performance, security and pricing. LogFire provided us a mature, robust solution with the right scalability for our future growth”, said SPSA CIO Fernando De Los Rios.
   The companies said that SPSA has increased its efficiency levels, including both productivity and service, since the new WMS was implemented.