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P&O Ports North America becomes Ports America

P&O Ports North America becomes Ports America

   P&O Ports North America, which has managed the container terminal at the Port of Tampa since 2005 and which owns a 50 percent stake in the Port of Miami Terminal Operating Co. (POMTOC), has been renamed Ports America Inc.

   The name change comes on the heels of the finalization of the purchase of the company by AIG Global Investment Group. P&O Ports, originally part of the historic British shipping company that became the P&O Group, was acquired by Dubai Ports World in 2006. The purchase by the Saudi-based company lead to a political firestorm in Washington that prompted DP World to agree to divest the P&O Ports North America unit to a U.S.-owned buyer.

   All phone numbers and office locations of the company remain the same under the new ownership and name. However, e-mail addresses have been changed to reflect Ports America and will read as The new Web site address will be