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Port Manatee master plan approved

Port Manatee master plan approved

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The Manatee County Port Authority on Feb. 21 approved master plan concepts for a $500 million expansion of the Tampa Bay, Fla. port.

   After 17 months of work, lead consultant PBS&J presented four alternatives with a maximum build out by 2038. Highlights included the construction of a northern harbor feature, which includes Berths 1, 2 and 3, to maximize the port’s container potential.

   PBS&J emphasized a critical timeline centered on the expansion of the Panama Canal, which is projected to be completed in 2014. Other driving forces include activation of the proposed Port Manatee Encouragement Zone in 2008; completion in 2011 of the Interstate 75 Connector Road PD&E study; and the completion of the CSX Intermodal Logistics Center near Winter Haven, Fla. in 2012.

   Funding for the near $500 million project is expected to come from a combination of port revenues, state grants and public private partnerships.

   In addition to PBS&J, the Port Manatee master plan team includes R.K. Johns & Associates, J.D. Sanchez Consulting Inc. and Wilbur Smith Associates.