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Port of Brownsville’s grain elevator to become operational again

The Brownsville Navigation District signed an agreement with West Plains LLC to modernize and reactivate the grain elevator.

   The Port of Brownsville, a deepwater port at the southernmost tip of Texas, will see its grain elevator become operational again.
   The Brownsville Navigation District (BND) signed an agreement with West Plains LLC to modernize and reactivate the grain elevator, the port said. The BND Board unanimously approved the lease last week.
   The lease is comprised of three phases, with a primary lease term of 10 years and two 15-year renewal options. In addition, the agreement includes the option to purchase the grain elevator.
   “The grain elevator is kind of a landmark here at the port, it’s one of the first things you see when you fly into town so we’re very excited to bring it back into production,” West Plains Director of Operations Paul Johnson said. “It will take a big undertaking to rehabilitate the facility. There’s a lot of work to be done, but we have a goal set to be able to accept grains this year.”
   West Plains is part of the BioUrja Group of Companies and owns 24 grain elevators, which are located in Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming.