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Port of Grangemouth orders new STS crane

The new ship-to-shore container crane was ordered from Liebherr and will be ready for use in Autumn 2018.

   The Port of Grangemouth ordered a new ship-to-shore container crane from Liebherr, according to port owner and operator Fourth Ports.
   The new crane will be ready for use in Autumn 2018 and will be able to handle vessels with 14 containers stowed across the deck.
   It will be in addition to the two Liebherr cranes the port already has, which can work vessels with 12 containers stowed across the deck, Grangemouth Port Manager Derek Knox said.
   Earlier this year, the Scottish port took delivery of three new ESC340 straddle carriers, increasing the fleet at the container terminal to 16, and also added a new Hyster empty container handler to the fleet.