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Port of Koper posts record soybean throughput

The Slovenian port’s dry bulk terminal handled 800,000 tons of soybeans just before the close of 2015.

   The Port of Koper’s dry bulk terminal handled 800,000 tons of soybeans just before the close of 2015, which is the largest annual quantity handled at the terminal, the port said.
   Koper is a gateway for soy from South America, India, the Balkans and China.
   Soybeans make up approximately one-third of the dry bulk terminal’s throughput. 
   As a result of the growing request for handling and storing such cargo, the port’s Supervisory Board in December approved of the construction of a 16,000-square-meter multipurpose closed warehouse on Pier II, which will serve the needs of the general and dry bulk cargo terminals. The board also approved of the acquisition of new equipment and berth upgrades.