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Port of Ogdensburg undergoes $2.6m expansion

The northern New York port will undergo a project this year that involves the addition of two grain storage bins, a new conveyor system and the rehabilitation of two rail bridges.

   The Port of Ogdensburg, located along the St. Lawrence Seaway in northern New York, will undergo a $2.6 million project that involves the addition of two grain storage bins, a new conveyor system and the rehabilitation of two rail bridges, Sen. Patty Ritchie, R-N.Y., said.
   The project, which is aimed at expanding the port and growing its agriculture import-export business, will commence this year. It was originally slated to start next year, but the state of New York approved the senator’s request for it to commence one year ahead of schedule.
   “With its proximity to Canada, and its location as the last deepwater port for outward bound shipping from the Great Lakes, the Port of Ogdensburg can play a key role in growing our economy, and helping to create new jobs,” Sen. Ritchie said. “This project especially positions the port to better serve the needs of North Country farmers and agribusinesses by making it easier to move products to newer and bigger markets by both rail and water.”
   The Port of Ogdensburg handles a variety of cargo such as wind turbine components, electrical generation equipment, transportation equipment, military cargo, zinc concentrate, wollastonite, marble chips, dried distillers grains, road salt, cottonseed, citrus pulp, hominy and corn gluten, according to the port’s website. In addition, the port serves as a staging area for windmill components destined for New York and Canada.