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Port of Virginia sees modest cargo growth in November

The Port of Virginia reported a 1.9 percent increase in TEU volumes and a 1.7 percent increase in total containers for the month, according to figures from the Virginia Port Authority (VPA).

Cargo volumes increased modestly at the Port of Virginia in November.

   The Port of Virginia handled 240,570 TEUs in November, up 1.9 percent from November 2016, according to data from the Virginia Port Authority (VPA).
   The port handled 135,469 total containers in November, up 1.7 percent from the same period in 2016.  Nearly 20,000 tons of non-containerized breakbulk cargo and more than 6,500 new import cars were processed through the Port of Virginia.
   “Our TEU volume was modest, up nearly two percent, we showed slight container growth at Virginia Inland Port and our efforts to diversify our cargo mix with non-containerized cargo are showing promise – November was the fourth consecutive month of growth in import autos for us,” said John F. Reinhart, CEO and executive director of VPA. “Though we are still processing peak-season volume, we are beginning to see a tapering-off trend, as anticipated.”
   Loaded exports were down 6.9 percent to 87,695 TEUs while loaded imports were up 8.7 percent to 110,673 TEUs in November, said VPA. Virginia Inland Port saw a slight increase in containers of 0.8 percent to 2,667 while truck and rail containers increased 4.9 and decreased 3.1 percent, respectively. Vehicle units jumped 170 percent to 6,584, said VPA.
   On a calendar year basis, all sectors have experienced increases compared to the same period last year, with TEU-volumes up 7.3 percent, containers up 7.6 percent, trucks up 9.5 percent, rail up 3.3 percent, and barge volume up nearly 25 percent.
   “The work at Virginia International Gateway continues in earnest — the first bundle of RMGs (rail-mounted gantry cranes) will arrive in January — and the pace of work at Norfolk International Terminals (NIT) is going to pick-up significantly in January. Our focus is managing these two projects while staying safe and maintaining our service and efficiency levels. This will add cost while we manage through the expansion and we are prepared for that eventuality,” said Reinhart.
   “There are several positive things happening that are going to help build business and drive efficiency,” Reinhart continued. “We are preparing to put into service on the Richmond Express (barge) a 40-plug mobile power unit that will serve owners and shippers of refrigerated cargo to Richmond Marine Terminal. Further, VDOT is nearing completion of the I-564 Intermodal Connector and this ramp will give motor carriers using the NIT North Gate unimpeded interstate access. Finally, our wider, deeper, safer effort to deepen Norfolk Harbor and the channels to 55-feet continues to move forward in a positive direction.”