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Ports of Seattle and Tacoma welcome $15 billion dollar transportation revenue package

The ports said the Washington State Senate proposal will “benefit the state’s economy by speeding the movement of cargo through the ports.”

   The ports of Seattle and Tacoma welcomed a proposal by the Washington State Senate for a $15 billion transportation revenue package to fund the completion of freight lanes State Route 509 in King County and State Route 167 in Pierce County.
  The ports said the package, currently supported in both a new Senate proposal and one that was previously passed in the state House of Representatives, “would benefit the state’s economy by speeding the movement of cargo through the ports.”
   The Washington State Department of Transportation estimates a competed SR 167 could fuel job growth by $10.1 billion, according to a statement from the ports. Studies commissioned by the Port of Seattle and cities of SeaTac and Des Moines indicate the completion of SR 509 will allow for development of over 5 million square feet of office, retail and commercial space totaling nearly $700 million in new construction.
   “We want to thank lawmakers for their hard work and collaboration to develop this transportation package,” said Port of Tacoma Commission President Don Johnson. “It is critical for our ports to maintain a competitive edge and supports the Seaport Alliance. Completing state routes 167 and 509 will keep and grow jobs throughout Washington state.”
   “Washington farmers, manufacturers and businesses of all sizes need an efficient transportation system to reach global markets,” added Port of Seattle Commission Co-President Courtney Gregoire. “This package means jobs and economic development across our state, and we thank our senators and legislators for recognizing the need to invest in transportation infrastructure.”
   Combined, the ports of Seattle and Tacoma are the third-largest container throughway in North America. A recent analysis performed by Martin Associates estimates in 2013 the two ports’ marine cargo operations supported more than 48,000 jobs, which generated nearly $4.3 billion in economic activity.