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White Paper: Why Demand Sensing Technology is a Game-Changer Providing Actionable, Real-Time Inventory Data

Learn how the world's largest sports merchandiser increased their demand visibility by 60% with near real-time data

Every wholesaler, distributor and retailer knows that data from their POS system is non-standardized, often times rendering the data you can collect from it useless or, at best, unreliable. Wouldn’t you love access to real-time visibility into sales performance across regions and products?

Imagine end-to-end supply chain visibility. A leading multinational corporation with a global footprint in sports merchandising wanted to gain exactly this type of insight into their retailers’ POS and inventory. With TradeEdge Demand Sensing, they gained actionable insights and real-time data about product sales and inventory. Armed with this data, they were able to power their growth strategy and increase demand visibility by 60%!

Fill out the form below for a first-hand look at how Demand Sensing was a complete game-changer!

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