Many companies have plenty of technology and data, but integrating the data into their daily operations remains elusive. Another problem for many fleets is that they have a variety of needs and finding a one-size-fits-all solution is a major challenge. Platform Science aims to change that. Founded in 2014, the company replaces legacy telematics solutions with a revolutionary IoT ecosystem designed to unlock the value of disconnected data streams throughout the transportation and logistics industry.
The platform provides maximum flexibility. Its features on compliance also include state-by-state provisions to add to the flexibility, so for example, it will reflect California’s unique rules that drivers must abide by. Platform Science also was one of several presenters at the recent MarketWaves conference in Dallas that effectively reminded the audience that old-fashioned paper is a ways from being out of the trucking compliance system. Demchuck demonstrated the tool’s ability to scan and consume paper documents. That is but one small piece of the company’s innovative approach to consolidating trucking’s myriad fragmented parts.
In his seven-minute demo, Demchuck also showed how the flexible device can be easily customized for a fleet’s individual needs. While the vast majority of a fleet’s drivers might only need the basic ELD, tracking, and invoicing capabilities, what about that one driver who has a completely different set of needs, such as a last-mile delivery? Demchuck showed how simple the coordinated adjustments are by changing the basic specs in mere seconds.
“I’d like to say we were really excited to be a part of Marketwaves18, and thrilled to be in such amazing company for our public market coming out party,” CEO Jack Kennedy, CEO and founder, tells FreightWaves. “The mix of Carriers, Shippers, OEMs, Technology providers and Tech Investors in attendance made it clear that the future of trucking is technology, and Marketwaves18 was the official launching point in time for the next wave. As we say at Platform Science, ‘Tech Beats Torque.’ Marketwaves18 is proof of that.”