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Regulatory Digest – August 28, 2017

GAO Report on Foreign Trade Zones
The report titled, “CBP Should Strengthen Its Ability to Assess and Respond to Compliance Risks across the Program” finds that Foreign Trade Zones may not have all its risks evaluated by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.

Digital Customs and E-Commerce in Africa
A workshop by the WCO gave participants “an enhanced understanding of issues relating to Digital Customs and cross-border E-Commerce as well as relevant WCO instruments and tools in terms of their effective and harmonized implementation at the national/regional level.”

APL/Swire space charter agreement
This agreement authorizes APL to charter space to SWIRE on certain vessels APL operates or has space on in the trade between ports in Guam and the port of Saipan, as well as ports in S. Korea and Japan.

6 additional items in today’s TradeTracker.