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Savannah to receive blueberry shipments

   The Georgia Ports Authority said Giumarra International Berry has begun moving fresh blueberries from Chile through the Port of Savannah to better serve Atlanta and other Southeastern markets.
   The first shipment of South American blueberries arrived Jan. 8.
   “We’re excited to enter this new partnership with Giumarra International Berry, which highlights the Georgia Ports Authority’s commitment to the refrigerated cargo market,” said GPA Executive Director Curtis Foltz. “Because of our direct interstate access, as well as having two Class I rail services on our facility, we can serve the Atlanta and Southeast regions more efficiently by importing this fresh produce directly through the Port of Savannah.”
   Giumarra maintains a farm network in Chile, Argentina, and other Central and South American countries. The region’s growing season, which runs opposite to the Northern Hemisphere, helps to meet U.S. demand after domestic farms end production.
   Shipments of conventional and organic blueberries will arrive in Savannah through late March or early April.
   Giumarra has a packing plant in Alma, Ga., which has the ability to pack bulk produce into pack sizes.

Chris Dupin

Chris Dupin has written about trade and transportation and other business subjects for a variety of publications before joining American Shipper and Freightwaves.