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SCFI slips 2.5%

Since last week, the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index fell on trades from Shanghai to Europe, the Mediterranean and the United States.

   The Shanghai Shipping Exchange’s Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, an estimate of spot rates published each Friday from Shanghai to 15 regions around the world, fell 2.5 percent since last week, from a reading of 830.02 to a reading of 809.27.
   Rates from Shanghai to Europe slid 0.2 percent since last Friday, from $838 per TEU to $836 per TEU, while rates from Shanghai to the Mediterranean fell 2.4 percent, from $837 per TEU to $817 per TEU.
   Meanwhile, rates from Shanghai to the U.S. West Coast tumbled 7 percent since last Friday, from $1,479 per FEU to $1,375 per FEU, while rates from Shanghai to the U.S. East Coast fell 5 percent, from $2,565 per FEU to $2,436 per FEU.