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Seago Line joins intra-Mediterranean loop

The short-sea liner carrier will purchase slots a joint service from Turkon and Arkas Line to extend its coverage between Turkey, Egypt and Lebanon.

   Seago Line will join Turkon and Arkas Line’s joint intra-Mediterranean loop between Turkey, Egypt and Lebanon with its first sailing expected to depart Istanbul (Ambarli), Turkey Aug. 10 on the Mustafa Dayi.
   The service, dubbed East-Med Direct Egypt and Lebanon Service by Turkon and Turkey Levant Service by Arkas Line, has a current rotation of Ambarli, Gemlik, Evyap, Izmir, Mersin, Alexandria, Port Said, Beirut, Mersin and Ambarli, according to their online service schedules.
   Seago Line will omit Port Said and the second Mersin call.
   The loop operates with two containerships. Arkas Line provides the 2,478-TEU Martha A and Turkon Line provides the 1,878-TEU Mustafa Dayi