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SeaLand extends NAE service

Maersk Group’s intra-Americas regional ocean carrier SeaLand said the NAE will add calls to Turbo, Colombia and Puerto Moin, Costa Rica.

   SeaLand, the intra-Americas regional ocean carrier of Maersk Group, said the NAE loop will be adding port calls.
   The NAE sails between the U.S. East Coast, Central America and South America, catering to refrigerated shipments, such as pineapples and bananas.
   Starting with the Dec. 11 voyage from Philadelphia, the NAE will begin calling Turbo, Colombia and Puerto Moin, Costa Rica. The vessel will arrive in Turbo Dec. 23.
   The NAE’s northbound rotation will then be Cartagena (Colombia), Turbo, Manzanillo (Panama), Puerto Moin, Philadelphia, New York and Savannah. The service’s southbound rotation will then be Philadelphia, New York, Savannah, Port Everglades, Cartagena (Colombia), Turbo, Manzanillo (Panama) and Puerto Moin.
   Ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting shows the NAE currently operates with three vessels with an average capacity of 1,719 TEUs and a three-week round rotation.
   A spokesperson from SeaLand told American Shipper
the NAE will continue deploying three vessels and there will be no change in the overall rotation time when the calls at Turbo and Puerto Moin are added.