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September volumes jump 28% at AirBridgeCargo Airlines

The Moscow, Russia-based cargo airline transported 42,480 tons of freight across its network in September, an increase of 28 percent from Sept. 2014.

   AirBridge Cargo Airlines, part of Volga-Dnepr Group, transported 42,480 tons across its network in September, an increase of 28 percent from Sept. 2014.
   The airline also saw a 35 percent year-over-year growth in freight-ton-kilometers for the month and a stable load factor.
   During the month, AirBridgeCargo Airlines increased capacity in all of its core markets in Europe, the United States and Asia with additional flights from its already existing stations, the cargo airline said. In addition, AirBridgeCargo Airlines introduced new weekly flights to/from Singapore in September.
   For the first nine months of the year, the airline transported 344,130 tons of cargo, an increase of 18 percent from the same period last year.
   “The positive result was driven by strong customer support of the airline’s consistent development across existing and new markets,” AirBridgeCargo Airlines said.
   AirBridgeCargo Airlines offers flights from major cities in Asia to the major European gateways and from Asia to the United States via its hub in Sheremetyevo, Russia.