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ShipX rebrands to FreightorGator

The online freight exchange has been rebranded to become FreightorGator, offering a new way to compare rates, book and track shipments.

   Online freight exchange ShipX has rebranded to become FreightorGator, offering a new way to compare rates, book and track shipments.
   FreightorGator also has a new logo and redesigned website.
   The move coincides with the introduction of newly negotiated direct rates from some of the industry’s leading carriers and a temporary waive of FreightorGator’s $25 booking fee, the company said.
   FreightorGator will retain its core service offering to provide less-than-truckload (LTL) shippers a modern and streamlined approach to booking freight, but through newly negotiated, exclusive direct rates from LTL carriers, customers get the very best volume prices to choose from, the company said.
   “In FreightorGator’s seamless ‘one-stop-shop’ process, after a customer enters their shipment’s size, weight, origin and destination, FreightorGator will quickly aggregate shipping results from 25 plus leading LTL carriers for the customer to compare and then book their shipments,” FreightorGator said. “The system automatically dispatches carriers for pickups and customers are able to track their shipment until it arrives to its destination.”


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