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Showing true driver appreciation — Cyberly

Why drivers deserve more than just a pizza party and Instagram post

It’s Truck Driver Appreciation Week and that means you’ve likely seen several posts on your social media feeds “thanking a trucker.” But what are some things you can do beyond a social media post? On this episode of Cyberly, Blythe Brumleve is breaking down some campaigns being run by some of the bigger companies and sharing what truckers have said they want during this week and year-round. 

In addition to this, she chats with Workhound CEO Max Farrell to get the full story on driver feedback, and Chris Bright from No Limit Truck Co. is telling us how he grew his last-mile fleet and is now helping others do the same. 

You can find more Cyberly episodes and recaps for all our live podcasts here.

Kaylee Nix

Kaylee Nix is a meteorologist and reporter for FreightWaves. She joined the company in November of 2020 after spending two years as a broadcast meteorologist for a local television channel in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Kaylee graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2018 and immediately made the Tennessee Valley her home. Kaylee creates written summaries of FreightWaves live podcasts and cultivates the social media for FreightWaves TV.

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