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Shuster to continue serving as T&I Committee Chairman

U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R.-Pa. has been selected to continue serving as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman.

   U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R.-Pa. has been selected to continue serving as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman, the committee said Friday.
   “Working across the aisle, we have worked hard to improve our infrastructure through legislation like the FAST Act for our Nation’s roads, bridges, and rail systems, multiple water resources bills to improve our ports and waterways, important authorizations of the U.S. Coast Guard, pipeline safety legislation, bills to improve disaster management and shrink the federal government’s real estate footprint, and other measures,” Shuster said.
   “We have more work to do, including passing an FAA reform and reauthorization bill that ensures the United States has a safe, modern, efficient aviation system for the future,” he added.