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SIGTTO names Clifton general manager

   The Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) has appointed Capt. Andrew Clifton to general manager.
   Established in 1979, SIGTTO promotes industry best practices and safety standards in the storage, handling and ocean transport of liquefied gases.
   Clifton succeeds Bill Wayne who served as SIGTTO general manager for the past five and a half years.
   Clifton has more than 30 years in the liquefied gas shipping industry. This involvement includes 19 years at sea, mainly on liquefied gas carriers. He also worked several years in the U.K. Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) and two years in the SIGTTO secretariat as a technical adviser and, most recently, more than five years in Indonesia as LNG shipping operations manager for the BP Tangguh LNG project.