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SITC launches intra-Asia CTX5 loop

The shipping company commenced its CTX5 service last week between Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia.

   SITC Container Lines launched its CTX5 loop last week, which operates between China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
   The service has a rotation of Hong Kong, Shekou, Manila (N), Manila (S), Cebu, Makassar, Jakarta, Bintulu, Manila (N), Batangas and Hong Kong, according to the shipping company.
   SITC’s most recent online service schedules indicate the CTX5 operates with three vessels, the SITC Tokyo, the SITC Hong Kong and the Trinity, with a total rotation time of 21 days round.
   These three vessels have an average vessel capacity of 863 TEUs, according to data gathered from ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting