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Stevedores strike at Santos port

At least 4,000 longshoremen at the Port of Santos in Brazil went on strike yesterday, but dry bulk vessel operations were unaffected, according to a statement from the Associacao Brasileira dos Terminais Portuarios.

   Stevedores at the Port of Santos in Brazil went on strike yesterday, but dry bulk vessel operations were unaffected, according to the Associacao Brasileira dos Terminais Portuarios (ABTP).
   Container cargo operations, on the other hand, were unable to be conducted without the dock workers.
   “The stoppage of at least 4,000 longshoremen at the Port of Santos (SP) did not affect the operations of loading and unloading of bulk solids and liquids,” ABTP said in a statement translated from the original Portuguese.
   Reuters news service reported last Friday the 24-hour strike action “demanding wage hike adjustments for inflation” could be extended indefinitely.
   Santos is the largest port in Brazil, with 18 direct region-to-region liner services calling there on a regular basis, according to ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting.