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Tacoma port name callers castigated

Tacoma port name callers castigated

Three Port of Tacoma employees have been removed from working on a major port development project after the port authority discovered the staff members sent disparaging emails about fellow staff members, a local citizens group and the Port of Olympia, a partner in the development.

   A comprehensive public records request seeking internal port communication surrounding the development of the South Sound Logistics Center revealed the e-mails sent from the email accounts of a Tacoma port director, a manager, and a superintendent.

   In addition to making fun of the Friends of Rocky Prairie, a citizens group opposed to the development of the logistics center in Thurston County, the messages discussed the possible withholding of port information from the public, insulted the Olympia port and ridiculed fellow Tacoma staffers.

   The three Tacoma staff members were removed from the project and ordered to apologize for the e-mails. None of the three were suspended or fired. The highest ranking of the three, Tacoma's director of intermodal service, was removed from the project management position and ordered to return additional compensation received for his work.   

   'The message to those who were involved was clear and unequivocal. I felt like we've been heard,' Port of Tacoma Executive Director Tim Farrell told the News Tribune Thursday.

   Last week, Tacoma port officials sent personal apologies to Port of Olympia officials and to the Friends of Rocky Prairie group.

   Leaders at the Tacoma port plan to address the issue in an all-hands meeting of port staff scheduled for today and additional training on the proper staff use of e-mail is planned.   

   Dick Marzano, president of the Tacoma port commission, told Thursday's commission meeting audience that the e-mails disturbed him.

   'Because of the actions of a few, that reputation has been tarnished,' Marzano said. 'I have called and apologized to the Port of Olympia' and that's something that I've never had to do ' and never want to do again.'