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Brian Straight Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The growth in data and how insurers are now using it

While more and more fleets are utilizing thousands of data points to make operational decisions, insurance providers are tapping into those same data points to help create more accurate risk profiles of carriers and their drivers to build improved insurance offerings for those fleets. And at a lower cost in some instances.

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Brian Straight Monday, November 6, 2017

Trailer data is influencing fleet operational decisions

In the early days of trailer tracking, companies were simply looking for missing trailers. But technology has advanced, and trailer tracking is trying to keep pace. Now, the data generated by trailers can rival that of tractors, and properly managing that data could generate more revenue potential for carriers than ever before.

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Brian Straight Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A guide to blockchain

Blockchain is a relatively new term used to describe a series of distributed databases that act as a tamper-proof, verifiable ledger. As with any new technology, blockchain has its own terminology. Here is a listing of some of the most important terms and their meanings.

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