It benefits to have a partner in safety
Brian Runnels and Robert Kaferle lead Reliance Partners’ revamped loss control and safety services team.
Brian Runnels and Robert Kaferle lead Reliance Partners’ revamped loss control and safety services team.
Reliance Partners Director of Safety Robert Kaferle explains the importance of proactive safety amid a high-risk environment.
“A lot of carriers kind of look the other way,” Reliance Partners’ Robert Kaferle said. “I’ve heard it more times than I can count, ‘They’re a really good driver,’ but upon digging into their history and violations, you may find that they’re in need of some retraining.”
Reliance Partners Director of Safety Robert Kaferle makes it clear that safety consulting in most cases helps rather than hurts premiums.
What Are Truck Blind Spots?
Compliance reviews can catch any motor carrier off guard. Reliance Partners’ John Seidl encourages participation in mock audits to reveal and correct violations before the federal government does.