Strength, then oversupply? Parsing the latest EIA oil forecast
Oil prices are expected to gradually soften on loose supply.
Oil prices are expected to gradually soften on loose supply.
Petroleum and natural gas formation
Fossil fuels – petroleum, natural
gas and coal – accounted for
79% of the 97 quadrillion British
thermal units (quads) of primary
energy consumption in the
United States during 2021.
energy trade between the U.S. and Mexico reached a nine-year high
The United States has imported a relatively small share of crude oil from Russia, but U.S. imports of petroleum products from Russia — namely, unfinished oils and fuel oil.
The Annual Energy Outlook 2022 Reference case projects that U.S. energy consumption will grow through 2050, primarily driven by population and economic growth
A Coast Guard commanding officer says the main goal of icebreaking is to “keep industry afloat and keep people employed.”
Strong economic growth and growing populations will drive increases in global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption through 2050
In 2020, 18.1 million barrels per day of petroleum products were consumed in the United States.
Learn more about refineries
From refinery to consumer
Top commodities by weight and value
Establishment of Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADDs)
In 2020, total consumption of
fossil fuels in the United States, including petroleum, natural gas, and coal, fell to 72.9 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu),
down 9% from 2019 and the
lowest level since 1991.
United States Petroleum Product Consumption
Shares of Total US Energy Consumption by Major Sources
The barge and tugboat operator said if no buyers come forward, it could begin employee layoffs by July 15.
American Maritime Partnership warns the Biden administration to guard against waiver manipulation by refineries in the wake of the Colonial Pipeline shutdown.
Digital Wildcatters cofounder Collin McLelland explains why it’s smarter for clean-tech to bring about petrochemical efficiencies instead of focusing on the elimination of fossil fuels altogether.
Hilcorp makes headway in Alaska buying out BP’s Alaska assets.
The price of diesel fuel has an obvious impact on transportation providers costs, but it also can give insight into demand for their services.
Carbon emissions are now available in SONAR on a state level.
BP imagines a scenario where a plastics ban crushes demand for petchem feedstocks.