No existen normas federales sobre los principales sensores ferroviarios
Hay unos 6.000 detectores de cajas calientes a lo largo de las vías de EE.UU.
Hay unos 6.000 detectores de cajas calientes a lo largo de las vías de EE.UU.
A study found use of hot-box detectors has contributed to a 59% decrease in certain train accidents since 1990.
Los ferroviarios ven ahora que han ido demasiado lejos
America’s freight railroads descended into chaos this year. Their best way out might be reconsidering their operational style — but Wall Street might not approve.
Train lengths, improving network velocity and coronavirus uncertainties are among the big themes expressed by Class I railroad executives at a recent investor conference.
Rail freight needs to become more truck-like as to timely inventory reporting.
Genuflecting toward Wall Street has symbolically become part of the North American Class 1 rail company culture.
Intermodal was supposed to be the growth engine for rail.
A report from Boston Consulting Group suggests that the Class I railroads must look beyond precision scheduled railroading and operating ratios if the industry wants to be a competitive transportation mode.
Precision Scheduled Railroading, or PSR, is the operational method of running a railroad for maximum asset utilization by which freight movements are scheduled and managed on the individual carload (rather than entire train level). That contributes to efficiency improvements by, for instance, using more direct point-to-point routing, bypassing classification terminals, and having the flexibility to use long mixed-commodity trains.
Grain shippers say Congress should take a “fresh look” at railroad policy.
A number of rail equipment lessors and manufacturers have been merging and consolidating in recent months as a way to leverage themselves against marketplace changes brought about by precision scheduled railroading. Meanwhile, industry observers are watching whether railcar utilization grow in 2019.
Berkshire Hathway (NYSE: BRK) chairman and CEO Warren Buffett said he would be willing to consider some form of precision scheduled railroading (PSR) for western U.S. railroad BNSF, although he […]
Norfolk Southern’s (NYSE: NSC) chief marketing officer sought to assuage shippers’ concerns at a rail shippers’ conference on April 5, saying his company would engage with shippers and seek opportunities to grow capacity as NSC transitions to the precision scheduled railroading (PSR) operating model.