The transactional customer is always right — Put That Coffee Down
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about how customers being correct depends on the type of relationship they have to your business.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about how customers being correct depends on the type of relationship they have to your business.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle rank the top books for freight salespeople.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle explain the upper hand in pricing freight.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill explores why the biggest successes come in the face of adversity.
Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle answer viewer questions and talk about the current state of freight on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
Are you asking the right questions to land your prospects? Find out on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
Richie Daigle and Kevin Hill look at how to stand out in your sales strategy on this episode of Put That Coffee Down
Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle highlight some of the worst sales language to use on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle discuss what you should and shouldn’t say to keep communication professional.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about competitive pricing strategies for brokers.
Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about how creativity has a place on the sales floor on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
Kevin Hill, Richie Daigle and CarrierDirect’s Ryan Schreiber talk about efficient markets and how information flows are a two-way street when it comes to sales.
Richie Daigle brings Michael Vincent on as a special co-host on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
Freight360’s Nate Cross talks about what it takes to launch a brokerage.
It’s a double guest episode of Put That Coffee Down with Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle hosting Ocean Audit CEO Steve Ferreira and Omar Singh from Surge Transportation.
This episode is sponsored by Surge Transportation. Surge Transportation is the fastest growing 3PL in the logistics space today. Based in Chicago and Jacksonville, they offer unrestricted access to almost all accounts, limitless territory, and a chance to be a key player in a growing company. To find out more email jobs@eric-lisciandrellosurgetransportation-com Kaylee Nix has […]
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle explore where automatic processes can help move the sales process in a better direction.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill looks at how to properly circle back to your prospects and close deals on second chances.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about why the sales game is a grind that doesn’t stop.
In this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Conversionly co-founder Justin Oglesby explains just how important first impressions are.
Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle look at how tech can help you land sales on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
On this special episode of Put That Coffee Down during FreightWaves LIVE @HOME, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about the latest advances in FreightTech.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle look at why routing guides fail nearly all the time.
Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle give you a guide to entrepreneurship in this episode of Put That Coffee Down
On today’s episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and guest co-host Richie Daigle discuss how building a brand means showing off your personality, not hiding it.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and guest co-host Richie Daigle discuss the lead generation and prospecting world with Andy Hedrick, founder and CEO of Trucking Tower.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill looks at the different ways technology can help companies decrease their carbon footprints.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill breaks down how to handle the sometimes unpredictable nature of customers’ decision-making processes.
When capacity is tight and markets are tighter, being efficient is key to making sales. Kevin Hill walks you through the key data your team should be using to capitalize on the tightness.
Kevin Hill takes you through the ways to navigate different spot markets in order to make a sale on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill explores how sales can be boiled down to an exact science.
In this Put That Coffee Down segment, Kevin Hill talks with Chris Hurst about why the freight and logistics sector is lagging, and why companies should fix that.
Kevin Hill discusses the balance needed to be successful in sales on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
Kevin Hill breaks down how one company uses flexible business models to succeed.
Sales isn’t always sunshine and rainbows and it can be difficult to know how to react to the unpleasant side of things. Kevin Hill talks about how to manage the not-so-nice people in the sales world on this episode of Put That Coffee Down.
How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? Standing out in sales is important and on this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill talks about ways to position yourself better.
On this special episode of Put That Coffee Down for FreightWaves Global Supply Chain Week, Kevin Hill talks to the economic director of Laredo, Texas, about selling your city to potential companies.
What makes a lead qualified? Kevin Hill and Chris Jolly talk to the COO of ‘zembles about how to know when a lead is a good one.
Kevin Hill and Chris Jolly highlight what you can learn from the top 1% of freight salespeople.
Kevin Hill talks with Chris Jolly about how developing carrier relationships is key to securing clients.
Kevin Hill brings on a new co-host to discuss turning negatives into positives on the sales floor.
Kevin Hill and Blythe Brumleve discuss how to catch your audience’s attention from the start and keep them on the line until the close.
Selling in 2020 looked completely different thanks to the shift to remote work and limits on corporate travel. Hear from industry leaders on maximizing sales potential in today’s climate.
How are you adapting marketing in 2021? The year ends Thursday and after a challenging 2020, people are hopeful for 2021. Last week, Kevin Hill and Blythe Brumleve talked about the challenge of forecasting and adapting your forecasting techniques when things go haywire. Today’s episode is all about looking into the new year and changing […]
Kevin Hill and Blythe Brumleve dive into the world of logistics spending and sales forecasts with Mr. Supply Chain.
Kevin Hill welcomes a new cohost to the desk for the month of December, Blythe Brumleve. They talk emotional intelligence in sales with Emily Szink.
Dooner and Hill hear from author Paul Ross about elevating your sales strategy, plus an announcement about the future of PTCD.
With Salesforce acquiring Slack and Zoom continuing to grow, how will sales change to adapt to the online world? Dooner and Hill discuss.
NCAA football champion Brad McBride joins the show to talk about how winning on the football field translated to success in the business world.
How to get a deal on “Shark Tank,” talking business with “The Real Wolf of Wall Street” and the latest from FreightWaves’ 3PL Summit. Catch this week’s top trending stories on the FreightCasts network!
How long can PPP keep near-bankrupt carriers afloat? How will resurging COVID-19 cases affect supply chains? Catch this week’s top trending stories on the FreightCast Network.
How sustainable are current trucking volumes? Q2 3PL earnings: How bad can it be? Preparing for a post-COVID-19 world, and so much more in the FreightCasts Weekly Recap.
When will former TQL employees get their day in court? Can the housing market lead the way to a V-shaped recovery? The LTL model adapts to the COVID-19 world, and so much more!
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey here.
Has freight avoided a great recession? Supply chain leaders show support for protests, sales lessons learned from ‘The Last Dance,’ and so much more!
America witnesses historic space launch, malls face bleak future, volumes continue to grow and so much more!
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.
How COVID-19 is changing Uber’s focus; diesel inventories rise tremendously; preparing your freight sales team to return to normal; and so much more!
Is meat the new toilet paper? What’s the connection between consumer spending and the freight market? We provide answers and recap FreightWaves LIVE @HOME in this week’s lineup of podcasts!
Re-listen to all of the hottest content from FreightWaves LIVE @HOME and so much more!
Cost of coronavirus emerges, rate war wages on, demand is still high for airlines to move freight, and so much more!
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.
Storms strike the Southeast, COVID-19’s effects on insurance markets, pork shutdowns amid growing virus fears and so much more!
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.
The industry wrestles with COVID-19, jobless rates rise; plus, are we headed for a freight cliff?
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey
Listen to the podcast to hear a breakdown of the survey.