Why is the number of railcars in storage important?
AskWaves answers why rail industry observers like to keep track of the number of railcars in storage. Hint: It has to do with broader economic trends.
AskWaves answers why rail industry observers like to keep track of the number of railcars in storage. Hint: It has to do with broader economic trends.
As U.S. weekly carloads have trended lower for months, rail industry stakeholders discuss how to relieve the railcar supply glut.
Weekly U.S. intermodal volumes rise nearly 8% amid the easing of social distancing restrictions that began before the July Fourth holiday weekend. But can intermodal traffic sustain that increase amid pandemic uncertainties?
About 25% of the total railcar fleet is in storage of one kind or another. Jim Blaze writes about best practices of rail storage.
The active railcar fleet fell by 25% in May. Multiple headwinds face railcar demand, but volumes may be turning a corner.
FreightCar America’s fourth-quarter results highlight the weakened railcar demand environment.