Driver safety, ideas on reducing fuel use top concerns for SMB fleets
While safety is top of mind for fleet operators, addressing negative driver behaviors remains unpopular.
While safety is top of mind for fleet operators, addressing negative driver behaviors remains unpopular.
Truck driver safety is an ongoing process that involves engagement, awareness and targeted training.
ATRI has conducted significant research through the years that has informed policy and driven change. CEO Rebecca Brewster sits down with Nicole Glenn of Candor Expedite to discuss the organization.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants the Biden administration to spend less time correcting economic problems the chamber feels don’t exist, and more on trade.
The Federal Maritime Commission is ratcheting up pressure on ocean carriers to reduce logistical challenges for their customers.
As the industry prepares for the new entry-level driver training rule to go into effect in February, fleets that train their own drivers and schools face new challenges in complying.
“Be careful what you wish for,” warns industry expert Lars Jensen of proposals to rein in container shipping’s boom.
Employers have been given a procedural ally in fights against EEOC charges – namely that the employee must adhere to a ADA exhaustion rules. However, employers still need to deal with and act appropriately when faced with accommodation requests under the ADA.
A FreightWaves survey of top election issues as viewed by motor carriers found the economy top of mind ahead of Tuesday’s election. Taxes and regulations tied for second.
Rail reform law faces backlash from pro-regulation forces; tragic mistake to reverse course, former DOT secretary says.
The use of hair tests to detect drug use among truckers is one step closer to reality.
As Congress and the White House consider short- and longer-term funding infrastructure needs, the railroads want to ensure that the rail sector is part of the discussion.
On this weekday’s supply of What The Truck?!?, Dooner and Prevost have your loadboard covered. Why are 90% of drivers failing to register in Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse? Despite calls urging truck drivers to register in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA’s) Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse database, the vast majority applying for jobs still […]
The Federal Aviation Administration’s drone remote identification rulemaking was years in the making, but the agency doesn’t want to give industry and drone users extra time to comment on its proposal. The FAA issued its remote ID notice of proposed rulemaking in late December and gave the public until March 2 to submit comments. The […]
Changes need to be made, but the process the Federal Aviation Administration uses to certify aircraft — including the grounded Boeing 737 MAX — is effective and a significant contributor to the world’s safest aviation system, according to a panel of outside safety experts. In a report that is sure to rile Boeing (NYSE: BA) […]
Happy top of the weekend! Thanks for making us a part of the backhaul of your week, and boy do we have some news for you. First, we hit the headlines: Applying the restrictions of AB5 in California to the trucking industry runs afoul of federal law, according to a court case just handed down. […]
The proposed rule will cover just about every drone operating in the U.S.
Drone rulemaking delayed for fourth time this year.
Australia’s unfinished trucking reform business; brake-maker converts creditors into shareholders; toll road operator in big debt reissue; controversial logistics software provider GetSwift fights on
The price of new IMO 2020-compliant low-sulfur fuels is already 30% higher than fuels currently in use, but costs will rise further as the Jan. 1 deadline approaches, says consultant
There are a dozen electric scooter companies in Paris, and the city has seen enough of the impact that an unregulated e-bike market can create on the city roads.
While many fleets and drivers are using ELDs, there are still some using AOBRDs, and time is quickly running out before the December deadline to switch arrives.
When compliance rate is broken down by fleet type, it becomes clear that some segments of the industry are more compliant than others.
Oregon’s statehouse shut down over the weekend following threats issued by militias that are lending support to Republican senators opposed to the state’s cap-and-trade legislation. A vote that was to have taken place on Thursday, June 20 was suspended after all 11 Senate Republicans walked out, leaving the Senate short of the required quorum. After […]
Transport ministers from 60 countries met at Leipzig to discuss strategies and the implication of global carbon emissions.
American Airlines has lengthened the grounding of its Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft through August 19. American joins other airlines in this action. What is Boeing doing to fix the aircraft, and what is the FAA doing from a regulatory perspective?
Flip a switch. Seems easy enough, but for those fleets that think that’s all they have to do with their ELD come December 16, 2019, they may quickly find their truck driver sitting idle, which is why now is the time to start the transition from a legacy AOBRD.
In partnership with Reliance Partners …If the DRIVE-Safe Act gets passed in the Congress, it would usher thousands of young drivers into the long haul trucking space. For them to have a long and successful career in the industry, it is critical for them to focus on body movement and the way they interact with their environment to prevent workplace injuries.
Martinez emphasized a collaborative approach to regulation and said that removing non-preventable accidents from CSA scorecards is next on the agency’s agenda.
The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act and opened the door for interstate hemp transportation. Now hemp manufacturers are mobilizing to establish supply chains to move their crops.
DOT chief Elaine Chao today called on manufacturers and Silicon Valley to help instill public confidence in the safety of autonomous vehicle technology.
While onboard with the group’s goals, not all truckers seem happy with the approach Black Smoke Matters is taking to achieve them.
ELDs have been required for the majority of the industry for more than a year now, but there are still some that do not have to comply until Dec. 16, 2019. A look back at ELDs, and what the next deadline means.
The latest on legislative, regulatory, administrative, and enforcement issues across the industry.
As part of a wide-ranging DOT initiative to prepare for driverless vehicles, FMCSA will address regulations that could be slowing the development of these technologies in the commercial vehicle space.
Tired truck drivers? That’s a big concern based on a new survey by the National Safety Council that found 97% of transportation employers are worried about employee fatigue.
With a vision of bringing “trucks, trailers and goods online,” KeepTruckin continues to innovate and invest in technologies that improve the lives of drivers.
Joe DeLorenzo, director of the Office of Enforcement and Compliance for FMCSA, went through some of the common problems the agency is seeing since the ELD mandate went into effect, and there have been plenty.
FMCSA has agreed to implement a series of actions as it works toward the possible implementation of a more data-driven to identifying at-risk carriers for intervention.
Solar fields are being used by RLS Logistics to provide power for its cold-storage warehouses, but that is really only approach the company is taking to build greener and more sustainable facilities.
Following the publication of a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report last June that recommended changes to the way the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) records and displays SMS data, the agency has decided to scrap proposed changes.
The American Trucking Associations and three Northeast-based motor carriers have sued Rhode Island over the implementation of truck-only tolls, claiming they are discriminatory and violate federal commerce laws.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …For some owner-operators, Obamacare provided a path to insurance coverage. For others, the mandate was government overreach. This is starting to change, but what is not is the increasing costs of health care.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …If your ELD provider suddenly shuts down service and goes out of business, do you know what to do?
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …For truck owners, it’s become more important than ever to ensure you know where your truck is, because if you don’t, it’s going to cost you.
Sparks fly over jurisdiction, charges of conflict of interests and a weigh station alternative.
Several states say online retailers should have to collect sales tax, even in states where the companies don’t have a physical presence.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is taking a survey of truck drivers’ commutes to and from work.
Everyone who is even remotely aware of the trucking industry in the U.S. knows that the ELD rule goes into effect on Monday. Time will tell, but if there are not massive numbers of trucks parked on the side of the road, and shippers are actually able to find trucks to move loads, we will not be surprised.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) has issued a letter to state attorneys general in all states asking them to review potential problems surrounding upcoming enforcement of the electronic logging device mandate.
Following on the heels of a 90-day waiver from the ELD rule for agriculture haulers, and several other exemptions granted by FMCSA in recent months, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) has submitted a new exemption request to the agency.
President Donald Trump’s apprenticeship program may provide an avenue to solving the truck driver shortage issue. But to make it work, it will require a little give on the government’s part.
A Court of Appeals has granted a 90-day delay requested by EPA and NHTSA in a lawsuit brought by the Truck Trailer Manufacturer’s Association over the government’s Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas regulations. EPA requested the delay in part so that it can review the rule, throwing some uncertainty into implementation of the rule.
For anyone in the trucking industry, there is one constant: change. Rates change. Customers change. Freight flows change. But why is there so much change? This graphic answers some of those questions.
Is the trucking industry over-regulated? Good luck finding anyone in the industry that would say no. But ask which regulations should be repealed and chances are each one will be mentioned at least once. But will repealing regulations actually make the industry safer?
Trucking fleets have been hit with a series of equipment price increases in recent years due to new government regulations, including thousands of dollars for tractors due to greenhouse gas regulations. The new electronic stability control regulation, though, may be one where the benefit far outweighs its minimal cost.
The upcoming electronic logging device (ELD) rule is a great example of the type of mandated technological change coming to the trucking industry, and yet it serves as a great reminder of the importance to perform due diligence before adopting such technologies.
Unlike some technologies, blockchain technology is not likely to displace many workers in the trucking industry. It does promise, however, to streamline financial operations and compliance reporting to make those operations more seamless, potentially saving fleets tens of thousands of dollars.
In this week’s edition of The Week in Trucking, the trucking industry gets an audience with President Donald Trump, drivers may not be needed in California, are robots are set to take over warehousing and FMCSA pulls a controversial safety-focused rule.
The required implementation of electronic logging devices later this year has created plenty of worry within industry circles. Beyond the logistics of installing the devices, though, carriers and shippers need to be worried about the business impact: specifically lost productivity and rising rates.