Workhorse perfecting HorseFly truck-based drone delivery
Workhorse Group is perfecting technology for its HorseFly truck-mounted drone that could distinguish it from last-mile delivery competitors.
Workhorse Group is perfecting technology for its HorseFly truck-mounted drone that could distinguish it from last-mile delivery competitors.
Lightweight electric van maker expects to build 300-400 units this year as transition to production inches forward while costs remain high amid Q4 revenue of just $3,000.
Workhorse Group signed several partnership deals to leverage its intellectual property in electric trucks and drones in the third quarter while more than doubling its loss of a year ago.
While it posted a decline in sales, Workhorse is optimistic about its future with full production of its electric van set for this fall.
The SureFly is just one of the products that Workhorse is working on. Additional projects include electric delivery vans and electric pickups.
SureFly re-invents the helicopter, making it safer, easier to fly and much more affordable than a conventional helicopter. Like a drone, its redundant design includes four propeller arms, two fixed contra-rotating propellers on each arm; and a backup lithium battery pack to drive the electric motors in the event of engine failure.