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Texas judge will confront FRA after latest UP death

Texas judge will confront FRA after latest UP death

   Judge Nelson Wolff of Bexar County, Texas, will complain to the Federal Railroad Administration in Washington, D.C., this week after a Union Pacific train car killed one office worker and injured another when the car crashed into a cold-storage warehouse in San Antonio Nov. 10.

   The derailment was the fifth in San Antonio since May, all involving Union Pacific trains. Four people have died in the accidents.

   In the latest incident, a spokesman for the police department in San Antonio said, 'it appears that the train was backing up to hook onto cars, but it pushed them too far back and they went over a rail stop into the wall of the warehouse,' killing Roger Bruening, 39.

   Wolff, described by The Associated Press as being 'visible angry' at the crash scene, said the accident confirmed that a too-close relationship existed between the nation's railroads and their federal regulators.