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Transportation industry leaders vow to fight wildlife trafficking

Leaders of the global transportation industry signed a declaration yesterday at the Buckingham Palace to fight criminal wildlife trafficking.

   Leaders of the global transportation industry became the founding signatories of the Declaration of the United for Wildlife International Taskforce on the Transportation of Illegal Wildlife Products yesterday at the Buckingham Palace in an effort to fight criminal wildlife trafficking.
   The illegal wildlife trade, which is valued between $5 billion and $20 billion a year, is the fourth most lucrative global crime, following trafficking in drugs, humans and arms, United for Wildlife said.
   Founding signatories of the Buckingham Palace Declaration included CEOs, chairmen, and other leaders of airlines, shipping firms, port operators, customs agencies, intergovernmental organizations and conservation charities from around the world.
   The declaration’s commitments have been created over the past year by members of the United for Wildlife Transport Taskforce to support the private sector in fighting the illegal wildlife trade.
   These commitments focus on the information and resource sharing across companies and organizations worldwide, staff training and technological improvement.
   United For Wildlife is an alliance between seven conservation organizations and the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry designed to bring attention to conservation problems, especially the rapid escalation of the illegal wildlife trade.