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Truckers exempt from CDC mask requirement

Exemption does not apply to drivers entering seaport/airport facilities, DOT confirms

Drivers must wear masks within facilities covered by the regulation. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has exempted solo commercial truck drivers from new regulations that require transportation workers to wear masks.

The CDC’s mask regulation, issued on Friday, states that in addition to those operating noncommercial, private automobiles and those operated by the U.S. military, “commercial motor vehicles or trucks (weighing 10,001 pounds or more)” are exempt from the requirement “if the driver is sole occupant of the vehicle or truck.”

The regulation implements an executive order issued by President Joe Biden on Jan. 21 requiring masks be worn by travelers or workers to protect against COVID-19 “on conveyances and at transportation hubs.” The order defines transportation hubs as airports, seaports, marinas, train stations, U.S. ports of entry “or any other location that provides transportation subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.”

A U.S. Department of Transportation spokesman told FreightWaves that while solo drivers are exempt while traveling over the road, they would have to comply with the regulation once they entered an airport, seaport or other transportation hub subject to the requirement to drop off or pick up cargo. They would also continue to be subject to any requirements in place at private facilities such as shippers/receivers, truck stops and motels, he affirmed.

According to the regulation, transportation hub operators “must use best efforts to ensure that any person entering or on the premises of the transportation hub wears a mask.” Those efforts include:

  • Allowing entry only to those persons who wear masks.
  • Instructing persons that federal law requires wearing a mask in the transportation hub and failure to comply constitutes a violation of federal law.
  • Monitoring persons on the premises of the transportation hub for anyone who is not wearing a mask and seeking compliance from such persons.
  • At the earliest opportunity, removing any person who refuses to comply from the premises of the transportation hub.
  • Providing persons with prominent and adequate notice to facilitate awareness and compliance with the requirement of this order to wear a mask.

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  1. Mrbigr504

    Well since you know so damn much, whatcha got for this new mutated strand of this virus that you know it alls wanna keep comparing to the flu pandemic of the past! And the death toll numbers since this article 1st posted are now what? Yeah smart ass, just put the mask on and STFU!

  2. Les

    Covid and mask could be put behind us if media would report properly secondly if it’s so bad how can you pick a date to just say it’s safe again another thought when did Bill Gates become a medical expert

  3. Les

    Another thought businesses have to remain closed we have to wear a mask yet we leave our borders open to allow travelers to visit yet businesses have to remain closed

  4. Les

    Go do research and you will find the news media is only reporting what the government tells them and not doing research on the facts if mask work why do we need social distance next interesting little thing what makes McDonalds better then any restaurant that has take out yet they have to close mask wearing is BS and governmental control

  5. Les

    Do a little research it’s unconstitutional to require a mask be worn this now is a dress code telling us what to wear tested and vaccinated daily doesn’t let you out of wearing a mask this includes the president he’s not god and isn’t exempt from wearing a mask either also if what happened to the flu did it just magical disappear fouci and others all said Covid has been around for years and we all have Covid if we’ve had the flu if Covid is killing so many people why is the death rate this year 2020 the same rate as average and less deaths in 2020 then in 2018 I believe just do a little extra research and you will find interesting facts that the government and media want you to believe and not the truth mainstream media needs to be honest and stop following what the government tells them what to publish
    The people need to stand up and stop being sheep

  6. Mike Massingill

    “mrgir504” educate yourself before you call everyone a “Buncha idiots.” There is a 99.8% survival rate for those who contract the Corona Virus. Then educate yourself on the flu pandemic of 1918. Both Science and Medicine determined the best course of action was to position yourself outdoors WITHOUT a mask! It is fools like you that will drive the sheep to the slaughter… Please take them all with you, we need less stupid sheep in this country!

    1. Mrbigr504

      Well since you know so damn much, whatcha got for this new mutated strand of this virus that you know it all wanna keep comparing to the flu pandemic of the past! And the death toll numbers since article posted are now what? Yeah smart ass, just put the mask on and STFU!

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