Very soon most carriers will have to pay shippers to move their freight…according with this chart they are doing it 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don’t think someone is this stupid to move freight for a loss.
One minute shippers are crying that there isn’t enough capacity in the system and transportation needs more drivers and the next there are running trucking companies out of business. I had seriously entertained entering the market, but I really did proper research and realized what a joke the transportation industry has become. Bad drivers abound, brokerages working with shippers to defraud the hardest working drivers, and a USDOT skimming through citations for all. No thank you.
Bhupinder Singh
That true dot give carries ticket without region spicily Oklahoma state, New Mexico, mo, ca dot people is doing discrimination with California owner people doing unnecessary checking plus shipper brokers insurance company eating all of owner operator profit bad dispatch making all money in there pocket please someone make role if someone pass test of fright they give them licenses for it do the dispatch for other owner operator to see owner operator making enough money to servers him self whit his equipment insurance and repair fee licenses all permits other expense they making all roles for owner operator to kill owner operator all the way make them shat there door make the rolls on shipper brokers insurance company and other receiving company shipping company waste lots of time waiting drivers on there door hours and hours don’t care at all no respect to drivers taking rode behavior with drivers we don’t have restroom for you please make it role for owner operator please
I have 10 my own truck in my company month before now I am out of business already because double insurance expense double dealer repair labor double expensive parts more expensive new truck and trailer shipper and brokers not giving enough money for fright plus really bad carriers dispatch doing double brokerage eating that all bad industry people eating owner operator money please set the one price for owner operator they can serve ivy ok otherwise you be all In big trouble carry your own product to deliver your self please think about this when brokers or shippers give load to owner operator . When owner operator in there warehouse check owner operator truck and trailer side door same company coming to pick the load or they somebody else company to pickup the load that company doing double brokerage if they send lease paper for approve don’t believe that ask them this company add in your own insurance company please set the role to save owner operator there bad brokerage company out there they don’t know how to speak proper way English they have brokers licenses someone even some Pepole don’t how to write English they have brokers license spicily in California stop that kind from trucking industry if you want save this trucking industry be aware make some good role for owner operator they do hard work day and night for Hual load for your save owner operator money from bad brokerage and bad dispatch carriers doing double brokerage check on also insurance company charge higher price
Very soon most carriers will have to pay shippers to move their freight…according with this chart they are doing it 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don’t think someone is this stupid to move freight for a loss.
One minute shippers are crying that there isn’t enough capacity in the system and transportation needs more drivers and the next there are running trucking companies out of business. I had seriously entertained entering the market, but I really did proper research and realized what a joke the transportation industry has become. Bad drivers abound, brokerages working with shippers to defraud the hardest working drivers, and a USDOT skimming through citations for all. No thank you.
Bhupinder Singh
That true dot give carries ticket without region spicily Oklahoma state, New Mexico, mo, ca dot people is doing discrimination with California owner people doing unnecessary checking plus shipper brokers insurance company eating all of owner operator profit bad dispatch making all money in there pocket please someone make role if someone pass test of fright they give them licenses for it do the dispatch for other owner operator to see owner operator making enough money to servers him self whit his equipment insurance and repair fee licenses all permits other expense they making all roles for owner operator to kill owner operator all the way make them shat there door make the rolls on shipper brokers insurance company and other receiving company shipping company waste lots of time waiting drivers on there door hours and hours don’t care at all no respect to drivers taking rode behavior with drivers we don’t have restroom for you please make it role for owner operator please
I have 10 my own truck in my company month before now I am out of business already because double insurance expense double dealer repair labor double expensive parts more expensive new truck and trailer shipper and brokers not giving enough money for fright plus really bad carriers dispatch doing double brokerage eating that all bad industry people eating owner operator money please set the one price for owner operator they can serve ivy ok otherwise you be all In big trouble carry your own product to deliver your self please think about this when brokers or shippers give load to owner operator . When owner operator in there warehouse check owner operator truck and trailer side door same company coming to pick the load or they somebody else company to pickup the load that company doing double brokerage if they send lease paper for approve don’t believe that ask them this company add in your own insurance company please set the role to save owner operator there bad brokerage company out there they don’t know how to speak proper way English they have brokers licenses someone even some Pepole don’t how to write English they have brokers license spicily in California stop that kind from trucking industry if you want save this trucking industry be aware make some good role for owner operator they do hard work day and night for Hual load for your save owner operator money from bad brokerage and bad dispatch carriers doing double brokerage check on also insurance company charge higher price