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Trucking supervisor charged with payment fraud

Hong Kong skyline at night; Photo by David ILIFF License CC BY SA 3.0

Chow Chi-yeung (42), a former logistics supervisor with cross-border trucking services company Extrans International of Hong Kong, has been charged with fraud. 

Chi-Yeung is due to face the West Kowloon Magistracy, Hong Kong, today, Tuesday, October 22. 

It is alleged by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) that Chi-yeung defrauded the company of service payments by inflating parking fees on delivery notes issued by a subcontractor. 

At the time of the alleged offense, Chi-yeung was responsible for selecting contractors for Extrans. ICAC has alleged that Chi-Yeung falsely told Extrans that the total service fees in 31 delivery notes were actually incurred by a contractor.

The HK ICAC further alleges that Chi-yeung “caused and induced” Extrans to issue a check in favor of the contractor. The fees on the delivery notes were “inflated” by HK$200, giving an “inflated sum of $6,200,” the ICAC alleged. 

The ICAC does not comment or provide any further detail of cases that are in the legal process.

Photo: Hong Kong image licence


  1. David Tildern

    You’d think the members of congress would care about their own families and their relatives who are all going to get burned and go under due to everything in the china hustle movie. How can they ignore it when it’s their own families they are hurting and putting them into deep poverty.

    It just shows how powerful people don’t care even about their own relatives.

  2. Noble1

    “The fees on the delivery notes were “inflated” by HK$200, giving an “inflated sum of $6,200,”

    You may want to watch “The China Hustle” documentary . It’s very interesting to say the least ! And it’s occurring right in your backyard ….. And regulators and congress are doing NOTHING to prevent it !

    In my humble opinion ………

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