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Trump selects Nadaner to serve as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement

The position has remained vacant since David Mills left the post at the end of the Obama administration.

   President Donald Trump this week announced his intent to nominate Jeffrey Nadaner to serve as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement.
   The position has remained vacant since David Mills left the post at the end of the Obama administration.
   Nadaner is director of the Brute Krulak Center for Innovation and Creativity at the U.S. Marine Corps, and has two decades of experience in the public and private sectors in security and technology involving complex enterprises, the White House said.
   At Lockheed Martin, he was vice president of corporate engineering and technology, and director of business development and strategy in information systems and global solutions.
   Nadaner also worked as deputy assistant secretary of defense for partnership strategy and stability operations.
   As director of the Office of Export Enforcement, Nadaner would work within the Bureau of Industry and Security, which is led by under secretary Mira Ricardel.