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U.S. steel imports continue monthly rise

AIIS reported the 3.89 million net tons of U.S. steel imports for September was 38% higher than in September 2013.

   U.S. steel imports continued their upward trajectory in September, increasing 5.2 percent over August volumes.
   According to the American Institute for International Steel, the 3.89 million net tons of steel imported into the United States in September was 38-percent higher than amount from the same period last year.
   “Imports from Brazil and China showed the largest month-to-month increases, with the totals from both countries rising more than 43 percent to 451,000 net tons and 327,000 net tons, respectively. Imports from the European Union were up 10.2 percent to 647,000 net tons; Canada 6.7 percent to 530,000 net tons; Russia 15.3 percent to 496,000 net tons; and Mexico 12.6 percent to 367,000 net tons. Imports from South Korea decreased 14 percent to 388,000 net tons,” the institute said.
   For the first nine months of the year, imports increased 36 percent over the same period in 2013 to reach 32.56 million net tons. The biggest increase came from Russia, which shipped 243-percent more steel this year to the United States, raising its total to 3.64 million net tons. 
   U.S. steel imports from the European Union and South Korea have both increased more than 42 percent to 5.13 million net tons and 4.04 million net tons, respectively. Imports from Canada rose 9 percent to 4.55 million net tons; Brazil 16.2 percent to 3.55 million net tons; Mexico 13.7 percent to 2.82 million net tons; and China 69.5 percent to 2.35 million net tons, AIIS said.
   “The increase in imports this year has led to much gnashing of teeth in certain sectors where it is claimed, without evidence, that these purchases from abroad will bring harm to the U.S. economy,” the pro-free trade group said. “Actually, though, the opposite is true. The expansion of imports is a sign of — and contributor to — good economic health. Steel imports are up by more than a third this year because demand is increasing, which means business is thriving. And the ability to buy steel on the global market ensures that companies — and, further down the line, consumers — pay a fair price when it is not inflated by protectionist measures.”

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.