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UK supermarket chain renews reverse logistics contract with XPO

Under the renewed long-term agreement, XPO Logistics will continue to manage nine reverse logistics service centers for Leeds-based ASDA Stores, Ltd., as well as collaborate on environmental sustainability efforts.

   Nationwide United Kingdom supermarket chain ASDA Stores, Ltd. has renewed its long-term contract with XPO Logistics for reverse logistics services, XPO said in a statement.
   Under the renewed agreement, XPO will continue to manage nine service centers for Leeds-based ASDA, as well as collaborate with the company on environmental efforts.
   According to XPO, the third-party logistics provider washes millions of pieces of returnable ASDA transit equipment and makes repairs as needed. XPO and ASDA have developed proprietary technology to track assets and manage hundreds of supplier accounts.
   Since the beginning of the contract, XPO has also introduced a “zero waste to landfill” (ZWTL) program at the ASDA service centers, among other initiatives like rainwater harvesting and intelligent lighting, in an effort to help the company meet its environmental sustainability goals.
   In addition, the companies have jointly developed an improved design for crate wash machines that reduces downtime and increases wash speed by 20 percent; an automated baler design that increases efficiency and reduces power consumption by 30 percent; and automated food waste processing to improve productivity and further support ASDA’s ZTWL program.
   “The renewal of our contract with XPO Logistics reflects our determination to be environmentally sustainable across our entire business,” said ASDA Logistics Vice President Jon Parry. “The strong working relationship between ASDA and XPO has enabled us to deploy significant waste innovations and achieve cost efficiencies.”