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UPS aircraft mechanics request release from mediated contract negotiations

Approximately 1,300 employees who maintain UPS’s air fleet filed a new request with the National Mediation Board asking to be released from mediated contract negotiations with the company.

   Approximately 1,300 employees who maintain UPS’ air fleet filed a new request with the National Mediation Board (NMB) Thursday, asking to be released from mediated contract negotiations with the company.
   The International Brotherhood of Teamsters said that UPS continues to delay contract negotiations with its aircraft maintenance workforce, and that the company is also calling for “devastating” concessions in health benefits for current workers and retirees. “Under UPS’ proposal, health coverage for a retiree and his or her spouse would skyrocket to more than $19,000 per year in the first year with further increases each year thereafter,” the Teamsters said.
   “UPS has over $60 Billion in revenues each year and can easily bargain for years with no adverse consequences,” the request to the NMB said. “The only parties who will suffer as a result of continued mediation are the hard-working, middle class mechanics and related employees who have seen their wages frozen for four years as they fight to maintain the health insurance they currently enjoy.”
   The workers, who are represented by Teamsters Local 2727, first asked to be released from mediated negotiations earlier this year.
   Looking ahead, the NMB may now offer the mechanics and UPS the opportunity to let a neutral third-party arbitrator decide remaining contract issues. However, if the union or UPS refuses to arbitrate the dispute, a 30-day “cooling off” period would be triggered, and the mechanics could then be free to strike any time after the period ends.