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UPS opens new DC in eastern France

The Atlanta, Ga.-based shipping and logistics provider opened a new 8,000-square-meter package sorting center and a distribution hub in Lyon-Jonage, France yesterday.

   UPS opened a new 8,000-square-meter facility in Lyon-Jonage, France yesterday, which functions as a package sorting center and a distribution hub for parcels of all sizes, the company said.
   The fully-automated facility was an investment of approximately 25 million euros (U.S. $28.1 million).
   Over 10,000 packages per hour can be processed at the facility, tripling UPS’s previous sorting capacity in the Lyon area.
   The facility is equipped with a delivery fleet of 120 vehicles and accommodates 40 load and unload positions for trucks and 132 parking positions for package delivery cars.
   Overall, UPS operates 53 facilities throughout France, including small package and supply chain solutions facilities, and serves six airports across the country. The shipping and logistics provider has approximately 2,600 employees in France and over 2,000 delivery vehicles in its French network.