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UPS, Teamsters talks collapse

Each side blames the other for ending negotiations

UPS-Teamster talks collapse (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Contract negotiations between UPS Inc. and the Teamsters union collapsed early Wednesday morning, with each side blaming the other for its demise.

The Teamsters issued a statement saying that UPS (NYSE: UPS) walked away from the bargaining table at 4 a.m. after presenting an unacceptable offer to the Teamsters that did not address members’ needs. The UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee unanimously rejected the package.

Following marathon negotiations, UPS refused to give the Teamsters a last, best and final offer, telling the union the company had nothing more to give, the Teamsters’ statement said.

“This multibillion-dollar corporation has plenty to give American workers — they just don’t want to,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “UPS had a choice to make, and they have clearly chosen to go down the wrong road.”

The five-year UPS Teamsters contract covering more than 340,000 full- and part-time workers expires July 31. No additional negotiations are scheduled, the Teamsters said. The union has threatened to strike Aug. 1 without a contract in-hand. The rank-and-file has overwhelmingly authorized a strike should talks break off.

In its statement, UPS said the Teamsters have “stopped negotiating despite UPS’ historic offer that builds on our industry-leading pay. We have nearly a month left to negotiate. We have not walked away, and the union has a responsibility to remain at the table.

“Refusing to negotiate, especially when the finish line is in sight, creates significant unease among employees and customers and threatens to disrupt the U.S. economy. Only our non-union competitors benefit from the Teamsters’ actions,” UPS said.

The company said that “we’re proud of our offer. It delivers wins for our people. The Teamsters should return to the table to finalize this deal.”

Over the weekend, UPS agreed to end a two-tier driver pay system and convert all junior drivers into regular package car drivers with the same pay as their senior counterparts. UPS also agreed to establish Martin Luther King Day as a paid holiday.


  1. Martin James Labut

    UPS is an extremely retaliatory, hostile, intimidating, dishonest, no integrity, threatening, harassing, workplace violence inflicting company. UPS airline management gathered false statements from pilots with substance abuse issues. The false statements were used to target Captain Douglas Greene for discharge. False statements were sent to AME (Aviation Medical Examiners) to use in a trumped up fitness for duty exam. UPS Airline Management retaliates and commits workplace violence against pilots who are Veterans, pilots who assist in OSHA investigations & pilots with substance abuse. SHAME ON YOU UPS!

  2. Mad dog

    Postal mail carrier….TEAMSTERS, get all you can,inflation is going nowhere but up. We have a 2 tier wage system that is killing us, get rid of yours. E shopping is here to stay. Don’t fall for the corporate bull that volume is dropping….?from what? 2020?2021?….the height of covid? Bet its more today than 2019. We can’t strike by law. Prayers for you.

  3. Dave Bates

    UPS has agreed to have air-conditioning in all vehicles acquired in 2024. Read between the lines that means they’re just gonna buy a bunch of vehicles this year. #UPSSafetyThird.
    We die every year in the back of our trucks, it’s profit over people.

  4. Dave Bates

    UPS has had plenty of time to negotiate and has deliberately stalled talks with the union for months. Now the time is running out they’re lowballing us after they made $97 billion last year alone. Our CEO gave herself a $6 million raise and they’re trying to give us $2.60 over the next five years. It won’t even buy a gallon of gas and the company should be ashamed of how they treat the people that really do the work.

  5. Stacie Gary

    Please, please, PLEASE settle this!

    All mail carriers who will drown in the UPS packages, with no overtime pay and no legal ability to strike.

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