UPS Inc. and the Teamsters union will return to the bargaining table next week after what will be a roughly three-week hiatus in an effort to hammer out a new five-year term contract just days before the old one expires.
In a statement, UPS (NYSE: UPS) said that “we are pleased to be back at the negotiating table next week to resolve the few remaining open issues. We are prepared to increase our industry-leading pay and benefits, but need to work quickly to finalize a fair deal that provides certainty for our customers, our employees and businesses across the country.”
In its own statement, the Teamsters said UPS had agreed to resume talks after buckling to pressure from the union.
Talks stalled July 5 over the issue of part-time wage increases.
The Teamsters have said they will strike Aug. 1 if a contract isn’t accepted by the union’s negotiating committee. Should union negotiators agree to a handshake deal, work is expected to continue until the 340,000 rank and file review and ratify the agreement. That process is likely to take about three weeks, the union has said.
If you think unions have no place in the free market, you’re willing to ascribe American workers to the stereotype of pennies paid slave laborers in other countries. The narrative that people that have to labor for the success of a company are less entitled to the profits than the suits who abuse loopholes and monopolize shady transactions has to stop. Somehow “honest and hard working” has developed a negative connotation to mean “less than”.
Jesse James
I was born in a right to work state which isn’t very Union friendly or strong. I now live in NY were I got a job at UPS after my probation period I then became Union which has been the best blessing ever. In my career at UPS there was one supervisor whom was trying to make a name for himself to UPS by meeting his quota by stealing time from workers. Once I noticed the error the supervisor tried to fire me without any justification simply because I caught his deceptive practices. If it wasn’t for the Union my 20 yrs of service would have been for nothing. There are many unprofessional practices UPS supervisors do as not to put in your vacation time so not only do you not get paid but your healthcare is obsolete if you don’t have 1 day a week in for coverage. So you’re left to pay for it out of pocket. I’m blessed to be in the Union and thankful to have protections against foul supervision
Unions have been destroying America for quite some time now and yet the sheep can’t see it. The current UPS hourly wage and benefits package is nearly $80 an hour. I worked for UPS in the 90s when the went on strike the last time. It was in FL and it’s a right to work state. I crossed the line and continued to work and kept my job. Many lost their job and didn’t get hired back. I later left and and started my own business and was much happier not working next to worthless lazy lowlife union workers getting paid the same as me and doing half the work. Unions do nothing but price feeble minded pigeon brains out of a job and put businesses out of business. UPS should split the profits among management and close the business. Let someone start another delivery company and let the unions price their sheep out of a job.
Miami 170
Their needs to be more pressure on woke companies from pension plan administrators
Unknown Teamster
Obviously the guy saying unions aren’t ok has to be trolling. I was raised by a proud hard working teamster. Unions are in play so that these same corporations taking all the profits and barely paying back the communities, insures that we have a stable living income. Sure we didn’t create these Fortune 500 companies, but it doesn’t give the right to well off companies to treat hard working U.S. citizens like garbage.
If u don’t work for ups post somewhere else because obviously when a corporation make billions in profit and workers never get raises when u been there for years you’ll be saying something to union or no union
These corporations need to stop giving in to the unions and stand fast. Unions were ok back in the day but things have changed in the world ans are obsolete to be competive in a free market.
Robert Allen
O’Brien needs the UPS deal ASAP
YRC strike and bankruptcy will clean out the Strike Fund in a Flash!