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USAID prepared for Caribbean, Latin American hurricane assistance

USAID prepared for Caribbean, Latin American hurricane assistance
With hurricane season underway, the U.S. Agency for International Development said it is preparing to respond to major storms in Latin America and the Caribbean.

USAID has replenished relief commodities stored at its warehouse in Miami and is prepared to provide assistance as necessary. A team of USAID disaster experts based in the San Jose, Costa Rica regional office remains available for immediate deployment throughout the region, the agency says.

For major disasters, a USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) may be deployed to provide life-saving emergency humanitarian assistance, including short-term disaster relief items and support with humanitarian coordination. Relief commodities such as medical supplies, hygiene kits, plastic sheeting, water containers and blankets are stockpiled in Miami for quick disbursement, if requested by the government of specific countries.