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USDA considers extension to 2005 sugar quota period

USDA considers extension to 2005 sugar quota period

   The U.S. Department of Agriculture will consider written requests to extend the deadline for raw cane sugar shipments entering the United States under the fiscal 2005 import tariff-rate quota.

   The USDA said the extension may be necessary due to disruptions caused by Hurricane Katrina.

   Sugar from a qualified supplying country that has a share of the fiscal 2005 raw sugar quota would be allowed to enter U.S. customs territory no later than Oct. 11, a maximum extension of 11 days past the previous deadline of Sept. 30, USDA said.

   “This announcement does not change the level of any U.S. sugar import tariff-rate quotas, and will apply only to raw cane sugar (not refined sugar),” the USDA said.